Special thanks to our friends at Quiet Riot Firearms in McDonough, GA for providing the M16 lower for this video. In this Meltdown, we take an entry level upper from Palmetto State Armory and shoot it full auto until failure. It’s very interesting to see how various levels of quality in the components really make a difference in these tests. Stay Tuned, much more on the way.
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I like how there is an attempt at trying to maintain a control in the testing however the type of ammo should matter as much as the type of mags used. You may as well use the most common/cheapest ammo for everything because otherwise any sort of result you get means dam all and it just becomes an excuse to break stuff. Which if thats what you are after then great but dont then act like it is some scientific thing you are trying to pull off because it just doesnt work that way.
It's still a stealth mission if no one lives to tell the tale…Bwhahaha
wohoo amica
dont get the point ?? not made for that job
XM8 meltdown
440 Rounds
Pleas tell me you have sponsors who give you ammo because you must spend thousands on a video
I bet the owner of the select fire lower was pleased when you bashed his precious and expensive piece of equipment on the table.
Only 250?! Thats crazy you could do so much damage with that.
Hey where are you guys at in Georgia? I'm stationed at Robinson would love to come down and check out Moss Pawn and Gun.
There was a nra ad talking about ar15s in this video wot.
Am I the only one that got an ad about a AR-15 shooting up a church
I live near palmetto armory
Hyperion weapons.
When your neighbors are too loud and you decide to have a shooting range in your back yard
Automatic rifles in the us is illegal
Not a gun expert but isn’t that an M16?
Ukarms be like
Messes up dialog on cut scene * nah let's just leave that
What's the process of getting a full auto lower
What a waste of ammo
Civili M4
I'm Mother Russia u don't melt kalashnikov, kalashnikov melts u
all that wasted ammo you could of used on Jews….such a waste
When this dude gets better recoil with one hand, than your chr in pubg with two hands.
Could you test some polymer lowers with a bumpstock? Like the omni hybrid.
To make this worse I got an ad for a church shooting, why that for this type of video
Fully automatic deadly 1million rounds per second thanos gu- oh wait it fucking melted.
WTF 0:04 did he just farted
I got a NRA AR-15 ad
Sounds more like the Counter Strike Source M4
Ur like a juggernaut with ur shooting style
Is that my mixtape?
Have you tried the 556XI?
Came for a cool meltdown video by my favorite gun guy on YT… Stayed for the frothy mouthed Fox watchers calling people who don't think like them all kinds of names. Stay classy, asshats. (see, I can do that too. lernt me sum stuff on the playground at grade school)
That’s a M16
I love guns but this video is ridiculous who’s going to shoot that many rounds unless you have other plans ? No wounder why the government what’s our guns scary shit for them.
Stop messing around. We want a meltdown of a S&W 500 magnum!!
1 hand fires an ar 15
I may not know to much about ar 15s but DAMN
When you play cod
You are Bad-ass….
"Like an evil wood pecker" hahahahaa
When in doubt smack that bitch on a table
2:38 XD
You're one handing it like a pro
Aren't AR-15s only semi auto?
Congrats, a few dollars wasted on ammo and mags