Home StreamLight Surefire X300 vs Streamlight TLR-1 Which best suits you?

Surefire X300 vs Streamlight TLR-1 Which best suits you?


A run thrugh of two different weapon light offerings

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  1. i guess it depends on climate and needs but i find my tlr's to be way more user friendy. i dont own an older x300, i own the newer x300 ultra. i find the activation paddles to be rather stiff and hard to operate even on a handgun with a shorter trigger guard where u get more reach to the paddles. the tlr's are very positive and light to the touch while activating (plus my tlr 1 s has a strobe feature) yet theyre tactile and short enough so as not to have and accidental activation. i definitely prefer my streamlights over the surefires for my particular needs and budglet. maybe in a shtf or wrol situation the surefire may serve me better, i dont know. i paid 160 for my last streamlight tlr hl w/long gun kit and mounted it to a scar 17, awesome function and the pressure switch as well as pressure switch retention it came with work flawless (has a strobe as well which was a nice surprise) double click the pressure switch and voila, strobe. my tlr 1s ive had to close to 2 years. i rarely if ever take that one out for training or range time so i cant speak to its durability when exposed to the elements and rigorous use. it just sits on home defense handgun. my surefire x300 ultra i run in a gcode soc holster with light cowl (had to make modification to light cowl as gcodes light cowl was for the the original x300) and it works well in that setup paired with my 226. maybe ill get a remote pressure switch from sure fire in the future and try it out on a long gun, time will tell if i should even need that. i do also run a surefire mini scout on my modified sgl 21 (ak 47) with surefire pressure switch in a magpul mount and absolutlely love those mini scouts. excellent throw while outside but probably a bit to bright for tactical light in an enclosed space, especially if you have white walls. some of the cheaper surefire handhelds like the g2 i run on a daniel defense m4v1. light mount worked great with the body of that particular light and a drop in cree replacement for the bulb turned it into an excellent light for the way i run that gun. no problems to report with the g2 mounted to an ar15. def need that cree replacement though.

  2. Just an update for those who are watching this video after 2010, Streamlight TLR-1 its 180 lumens. 2013 or newer ones are up to 300 lumens.
    The TLR-1S up to 300 lumens with strobe function.

     Then to go really bright is the TLR-1HL (also has strobe) for up to 630 lumens. Prices are around $100 – $125 for the HL model.

  3. Question,,,  about the water-proof-ness, I live in a Jungle atmosphere, daily rains, high humidity…   does it matter which of these lights I purchase?    Corrosion eats away at everything here…  Leather is overwhelmed by mold in less than a year…

  4. HAHAHAhahaha

    3:20 – "I probably wouldn't have paid that much, umm, without owning it, but now that I have paid that much and owned I would do it again."

    That makes no fucking sense and I laughed my ass off. Good review tho thanks.

  5. I just watched 1-2 reviews on these lights that absolutely sucked. No thought whatsoever put in to it. All the reviews were "like great" "awesome". No where near as thought out or referenced the same. Again, good review.

  6. Good review, I bought a tlr1. I'm not a seal or anything like that so I don't need a +$200 light. I use my pistols like most of the people commenting. I didn't think that u talked too fast so I have no idea what anyone is talking about in those regards.

  7. Thanks for the video the tlr1 is for me. A lot of people get hung up on wanting more lumens but I think at a certain point you could accidentally blind yourself if you have white color walls with all the light reflecting.

  8. Wow I never saw it like that… I wonder why. Oh yea, because I don't give a FUCK what little troll bitches such as yourself think of my videos. Oh look at me I'm Dirty Sanchez, I have a BIG vocabulary and can compose a sentence. I make sure not to use profanity so that I'm not mistaken as the common troll. Whatever guy, your a troll just like the rest. Granted you're well spoken, but a troll none the less. Your personal attempt to enlighten me falls on deaf ears. Sorry, but I can't hear trolls.

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