Home CMMG 6.5 Creedmoor vs .308 – Which Cartridge Should You Shoot?

6.5 Creedmoor vs .308 – Which Cartridge Should You Shoot?


In this video, I compare my experiences and share my thoughts on the 6.5 Creedmoor vs the .308 Winchester.
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I talk about ballistics, difference in flight, how they group, and how they shoot at long range. (500, 750, & 1,000 yards) As I said, this is purely about my experience with these 2 cartridges on my personal platforms. For this video, I am specifically talking about Hornady American Gunner. The 6.5 CM is represented by the Ruger Precision Rifle with a Sig Sauer Tango4 6-24×50 FFP ( with Vortex Mount ( The .308 is represented by the Savage 10FCP McMillan with Vortex Viper PST ( with VPR rings: ( Thanks for watching! Click here to support Texas Plinking on Patreon:

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  1. In this video, I compare my experiences and share my thoughts on the 6.5 Creedmoor vs the .308 Winchester.
    Save $20 off your Ammo purchase: https://ammo.com/texas-plinking
    I talk about ballistics, difference in flight, how they group, and how they shoot at long range. (500, 750, & 1,000 yards) As I said, this is purely about my experience with these 2 cartridges on my personal platforms. For this video, I am specifically talking about Hornady American Gunner. The 6.5 CM is represented by the Ruger Precision Rifle with a Sig Sauer Tango4 6-24×50 FFP (http://amzn.to/2ySOmgA) with Vortex Mount (http://amzn.to/2irGGeW) The .308 is represented by the Savage 10FCP McMillan with Vortex Viper PST (http://amzn.to/2ySrrSO) with VPR rings: (http://amzn.to/2AZsim8) Thanks for watching! Click here to support Texas Plinking on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/texasplinking

  2. I killed an elk this year with my buddies 6.5 shot her at about three hundred and we could tell she was hit I put two more rounds in her last one just over 360 and it still took a sec for her to drop all three were in the bread basket useing hornady ammo I'm not sure about the take down power. But I do not have a 308 I have had them go down faster with 243 lead nose not sure if the polymer was the issue

  3. WOW i understand you said take the grouping with a grain of salt but holy shit dude those groups suck. If you're going to make a comparison take the time to set it up right and not make bullshit excuses.

  4. Yeah I prefer my scope magnification in variations of 6

    50 yards- 3x (or whatever lowest setting)
    100 yards- 6x
    200 yards- 12x
    300 yards- 18x (or however high the scope goes)
    400+ yards- 24x or highest setttings

    Some of those exceptions are because most of my scopes are 6-24x

  5. 7mm08 is the smallest rifle I have and it's probably just as close to both of them. However the 30 cal. Is hard to beat for knock down power. Most of your hunters will chose a 30 cal every time. Also I have heard that the 6.5 has chambering issues since the day they were built I'm not sure because I don't own one and probably never will I have a 338 Win Mag it does just fine for a big rifle

  6. Good job on the video but for a fair performance comparison you need to use bullets with comparable ballistic coefficients. Against the 140 gr. 6.5 BTHP Match bullet w/B.C. .580,, the 308 Win. needs the Hornady 178 gr.BTHP bullet w/B.C. .530 both at 2700 fps.. I verified the ballistics of these bullets using the Vortex long range ballistic app.. With its smaller profile, the 140gr. 6.5 bullet performed better in Wind Deflection but in bullet drop at 1000 yards, the 178 gr 308 bullet dropped 321.05 inches while the 140 gr. 6.5 bullet dropped 323.21

  7. Who wants to shot to 750 yards and beyond? I don't, it's not practical and who wants to be a sniper? Moreover the 6.5 Creedmore burns out your barrel in a hurry compared to .308. The latter is more versatile for hunting and cheaper to shoot. So the question is why shoot the Creedmore at all?

  8. Well it depends. 6.5 creedmoor is a paper puncher. 308 is and can be a excellent hunting round. Not target shooting at 450+ yards. However if you want a Real multi purpose round. 30 06. From 110 to 210 grain bullets.

  9. Fantastic comparison that taught me much. Was cool you calculated out to the extreme of 1.0 mile! You practice good diction and annunciation. I can't think of one thing to criticize. Thank you and please keep up the good work.

  10. Well I’m not sure if it’s public knowledge.. but when I was at little creek a few weeks ago the range master was talking abut how the teams were switching to 6.5 for their dmrs and .300 AAC for their shorter carbines.

  11. Felt Recoil for a .308 for a 165gr bullet is 18.1 lbs vs felt recoil 6.5 CR 140 gr bullet is 11.9 lbs (Chuck Hawks )
    For me, the 6.5 just feels even less, (both guns are similar weight) I am a coyote shooter and they can't tell the difference, IDK about deer, but the Swedes shoot moose with 6.5×55 and many hunters have reported that the 6.5 bullet just kills better. If I could only have 1 gun (how sad) I would get the 6.5, but I wouldn't sell my .308 to swap a 6.5

  12. 6.5 creed is here to stay. Just like 29er wheels on bicycles when they came out. 308 Is good but 6.5 is better. and it'll just keep getting better and more popular. And then ammo will be even more plentiful and then cheaper. It's coming.

  13. Try to keep your finger on the trigger after the shot for a nice follow through. In this vid it looks like you are removing your finger too soon. Also try not wrapping your thumb around the stock on the 308, try watching marine snipers in training, they never wrap the thumb on the m24. Good luck

  14. Well being that the 6.5 is one of the most flattest shooting rounds
    ever known for firearms your score should be a lot better.
    You need to grow up and leave the 10" targets to the rooks and
    go to the 3×5's. STOP CHOPPING WOOD"
    And putting it up against a war work hose like the 308 proves two
    things to me;
    Your the kind of shooter that wants to race against a farm truck
    in a ferrari 488,
    but speaking of being in the tight the bush "alone" and I know what
    that is like, one mistake and you are liable to be a bile movement
    in one of the local natives" I trust the Winchester 308 everytime
    before I will even think twice about the 6.5 mm.
    I use a 6.5 in training shooters on 250 yrds, 730 yrd 1340 yrds, if
    they want to pay for the shells and it is a fine rifle.
    But it is like the AR's 300 blkout hype" when I have to deal with
    them I go to my back up pack and pull out the 7 leaf core locks.
    And the game changes I'm still here and they are gone.
    Playing at the range is one thing and at one time I loved to put'em
    down the lane but after a couple of million rounds I just don't see
    need unless I am breaking a new build.
    I have been getting into these 8mm rounds and I really find them
    fascinating, I am a sports car to sale after I break itin and fire a few
    rounds through it
    Bolt Actions gives more options to the rules and making my own
    rounds I have come up with some shapes and compounds that
    reaches way out there without wobble.

  15. in 10:02 – you feel the impact power of 6.5 is way more than .308 – i think the reviewer of this vide without a doubt are a fan of .308 . in 500 yards and 750 yards you can see the power of impact 6.5 is much higher than its rivals .

  16. went out and shot my buddy's 6.5 creed….. its a great little precision plinker. we both served together in a few combat sand boxes on this blue planet, and agree…. thank god we had the beefy 308 at our disposal when shit got a bit hectic. iron sights or optics of choice the 308 can work any situation its given easily out to 500 yds… whether you are putting meat on the table or keeping the bad guys hiding… and … almost anyone can pick it up and fire it affectively. cant say that about the 6.5 creed. sorry if my grammar or punctuation is not up to par with y 'all , but that is this old gunny's view . like it or not it is just plain hard fact of experience first hand….. have a great safe day folks. just remember for all you arm chair keystrokers…. unless your target is shooting back, it is hard to get a true idea of what a firearms worth is….

  17. i have a Remington 770 chambered .308 with a pinty 9-24×50 scope..146 gr cheap steel case..half the fun is pushing past the 100 yrd zero..with cheap everyday ammunition as well as low budget firearm.. hone your skill with cheap..then you don't need the dollar..unless you are shooting for a dollar

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