Home EOTech Red Dot Sight FPS Concept. A New Way To Balance RDS

Red Dot Sight FPS Concept. A New Way To Balance RDS


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Hey guys, I have been thinking about how red dot sights are currently balanced in popular shooters and I’d like to hopefully offer a more realistic approach to how we view game red dot sights.

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  1. Well, the housing around RDS is mostly a balance against people using ironsights. You see in game ironsights allow much more field of view while ADS trading off with the ease of aiming and use, while on the other handits much easier to aim with RDS, but you trade off your field of view for that

  2. To be honest, when I had an EOTech on my service rifle, I hated it. The reticle just didn't appeal to me and the rounds never went where I really wanted them to go (I shot expert while I was in, for reference). I know a lot of people who liked them, but I always preferred the ACOG. I preferred it so much, as a matter of fact, that I bought one for personal use, which also has a micro red dot mounted on top. TL;DR: Not a fan of the EOTech, there are better reflex sights out there.

  3. These channel begs getting roasted😂 you compare your game to a cliche of realism in the game. Damage rate. Fire rate. When in reality any shot gun assault rifle etc is gonna annihilate you. So to even come to conclusion and say this guns better becuz of rate of fire or damage well when my rate of fire or damage contradicts your killing of me. And you still use this logic, what's the point to any of this to begin with 😂 and that's not even getting to the stupidity of suppressors in fps.

  4. Wow, so the VR game on steam "Onward" actually allows this exact stuff. I've never used one in real life, but once i tried it in the game, I instantly noticed that I didn't have to close one eye to focus on the sights, which I thought was really cool.

  5. You should be able to use a heavily blurred/strong DOF RGBA render to a separate viewport(aka, the pixels behind the blur are still drawn in full detail) with deferred rendering to simulate a visually identical effect.

  6. 2D games have no befits for reflex sights over iron sights. Quite the opposite – reflex sights in 2D games cover much more space on the screen compared to iron sights. Go to the range or play in VR and you immediately will see how it is hard to keep rear sight aligned with a front sight. And how much easier it becomes to aim with reflex sights.

  7. "crappier sights" they aren't crappier, they just aren't as sturdy. The sight is equally good at showing you where you're going to shoot the casing just isn't designed to be as sturdy or heavy. That's the other thing eotech sights are much heavier than other kinds. That's a big chunk of extra material sitting on your gun which can affect how you hold it, steady, how long you can do so etc. It has pros and cons just like anything else. Others are lower profile and weigh less. For the matter unless you're throwing your gun around the sight isn't going to snap off even if its one of the lighter less durable variety. You should be treating the firearm with an amount of respect. If you're putting it in a situation where your optic is gonna break off i'd be more worried about you accidentally discharging the thing.

  8. I think there is another big advantage. Iron sight I think you suppose to focus on the front sight, which make everything you aim kinda blurry. Red dot use projection make the mark seems to be at infinite distance to eye. So you can focus on both target and the aim mark.

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