More info and pics:
Stay tuned on the social media and Youtube for the upcoming giveaway with these rifles!
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More info and pics:
Stay tuned on the social media and Youtube for the upcoming giveaway with these rifles!
LIKE and SHARE this video please!
Got centaur b and its the best gun ive ever had.. Best price/quality/performance
Where can I buy one??
Hi! Do you maybe know when will the PDW be avalible to buy in Europe? Can you review the PDW gearbox?
Quick question: on the centaur a, where does the battery go? Is it the same as with the b model where you have to take it appart or does it just go in the back as with normal m4 models?
What kind of battery
i have the ar15 for a long time now. and i gotta say, this new bramd is pretty damn good. but for some reason they are not very famous. best weapons ive touched
Can you show the battery compartment?
Love your channel!
Nice looking guns.I really like that AK.