Home EOTech Norinco M4 / C8 with EOTech 552 Clone. Pt 2.

Norinco M4 / C8 with EOTech 552 Clone. Pt 2.


Results and Tips for new AR rifle owners.

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  1. omg those sights are garbage and are made for airsoft. u have to torque your castle nut and steak it to avoid it ever loosening up. the pins are called detents and the sell oops kits. get the roll pin back in that front sight post. if that moves while your firing it like that it will destroy your gas tube. that rifle needs to go to a dealer and fixed by somone qualified. I'm not trying to be mean but if you build a ar yourself you will learn how they work. good luck

  2. I may have missed this, but it seems poorly made, i mean no peening (locking) on the buttstock castle nut?!? If it was Joe Public that bought the parts and threw it together, i could understand- but from the FACTORY?!?

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