Few details had previously emerged about the standoff, which involved Brian DiSario, 30, a mentally ill man who killed a friend of his mother in his garage.
Pasco County Sheriff’s Office released video recorded by deputies’ body cameras, showing them approaching 11605 Constance Ave. with weapons drawn. The deputies were Nick Carmack and Michael Sudler. OCT. 16, 2017, VIDEO: Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, Editing: Tracee Stockwell, Tampa Bay Times

The missing video is schizophrenic
Light that fat fuck up
hmm, that was a waste of fucking time.
This is why cops shoot first no questions asked because it'll end up something like this sometimes
Wait this officers name is Carmack I think. His canine is named “shep”. They’re with passcode county sheriffs department. I watched a video the other day of him and shep fuckin some criminals up in the woods that ran. Theyre one badass team. Btw the other video I’m talking about is from donutoperator too
This guy has had a hell of a career. The video where the cop says “get off my dog bro” was him, and he was on LivePD. Deputy Carmack is an outstanding officer.
It pains me to say it but there are some people that you just have to put down on site. This officer seems to be from a swat squad and he has horrible aim. This also looks to be in a tropical environment so pressure and wind variables did not seem to play a factor. I'm not a trainer nor am I in danger right now but I've been in those situations as a mountain infantry soldier in Iraq. It is intense to have to take a life but if your on that path already you neeeeeeeed to take the time you use your fundamentals. This would have gone so much more different.
"He's schizophrenic"
"Youre a bad parent for abling him to be this destructive."
If anything the mother is schizophrenic for rationalizing her choice to allow her schizo son to buy an AR
Fuckkkk his asss up
He's schizophrenic, so his bullets won't harm the officers. (?)
Yeah, nice to know, lady….. but what do you think is going to HAVE TO HAPPEN?
These cops can’t aim worth shit.
Live PD anyone
Who trained you people to shoot smh
Totally Racist…..this needs to stop!
Well at least the cop didn't call it an "Assault Rifle"
I wanna know why the fuck it took the cops so long to intercede. The girl is screaming to hurry and the cop is just going on fucking stroll down the street. God damn cops aren't worth the fucking money we pay them.
I would love to see the rest of this video! You are one great cop!!! So calm, in a very scary situation! I have watched a lot of you videos, and it’s so great that you wear a body cam, so you always have the perp, on video. Stay safe, Shep too!

I need this job! you get to kill retards for a living? sign me up!
where's the rest of the video? what the fuck?
They hide the rest of the video? Lol
why the fuck would you allow an ar-15 in the house if you have a schizophrenic living there