Home AR-15 Fully Automatic Assault Rifle at 18,000fps – The Slow Mo Guys

Fully Automatic Assault Rifle at 18,000fps – The Slow Mo Guys


BEWARE, LOUD VIDEO! Watch in HD. (No 1080p available with this camera).

Gav and Dan head to Alabama to show you the mechanical workings of a fully automatic M4 Carbine with holographic sight as it fires 30 rounds in just over 2 seconds. Dan is in the British Army and has vast gun experience. Gav only has experience with an Xbox controller.

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Filmed with a Phantom v1610 and a Phantom Miro LC310
Gun provided by THE MOOSE.

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  1. For everyone whos confused when the round was chambered and fired a little bit later, it's the time when the sear releases the hammer which hits the striker, which T H E N, activates the primer, firing the bullet.

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