Home CMMG Using a Fostech Echo Trigger with a 22lr upper

Using a Fostech Echo Trigger with a 22lr upper


The Fostech Echo trigger when in the third selector position functions as a pull and release style trigger, firing a shot on the pull and again on the release. It is ATF Approved and only functions out of the box with the supplied bolt carrier, this video may help someone who is trying to get it to run with an AR-22 conversion.

Parts needed
Fostech Echo Trigger
CMMG Auto Sear Trip Kit 22BA64D
CMMG Style 22lr upper with a
CMMG Bravo Receiver Frame 22BA4EB
and CMMG Bravo Bolt Assembly 22BA492

No tax stamp needed to own a Fostech Echo trigger pack but in some states full auto is defined differently and the trigger pack is not allowed in those states. This rifle is 100% ATF compliant and is a two tax stamp build, SBR and Suppressor.

Warning take nothing from this video as legal advice, and do not try to buy an auto sear, you only want the auto sear trip kit. Once modified the auto sear trip kit will be useless if you own any full auto’s so if you are a lucky legal FA owner then buy another sear trip kit to modify for your fostech echo trigger pack.

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  1. Is this the original Fostech Echo or the Echo II ? Saw someone stated on the Echo II all you need to do is remove the two tabs you mention and leave the tab the way it is. Wondering if someone can confirm this.

  2. Like Robert, I broke a tab trying to get the bend dialed in. I ordered a MAPP setup and two more sear trips and will be trying again. One thing I want to clarify. You say if you have it bent too far back, it will not release the trigger on "the second shot". I encountered a scenario where no matter what it would not fire on the initial trigger pull, but would fire on the release. Any thoughts on this?

  3. Need help! I bought the CMMG Bravo kit plus the auto sear trip kit. I have already removed the 2 side tabs and it is not working. I have the Fostech AR II (2nd gen) trigger. Does anyone have pics of how it is set in the upper? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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