Just picked up a Streamlight Rail mount 2 with a BCM Scout Mount.
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Is the mount removable on this i have the magpull light mount will this work on it.
Coming up on the 2nd birthday without my brother and mother. Thoughts and Prayers inbound fellow gunslinger
I ordered the same light. Question is how did the mount that came with it work or did you try it? Thanks
I have this light on my AR too. I just threw it on and haven't fired the rifle with it yet. However, the pressure switch seems great and the pic rail mounts for the switch are awesome. I only used the two little included zip ties to fasten down the wire but I didn't need the big zip ties to secure the switch. It ain't going anywhere.
Great video my brother really enjoy your reviews check out Cloud Defensive they got a pressure pad mount for your streamlight thought you might like.
What exact BCM mount is that does it have a pic rail on top I didn’t notice the big knob on the stock streamlight mount? Awesome set up. Thanks
Did the mount come with scout screws? I picked up the protac hlx but cane with no scout screws
Cloud Defense for your cable management and tape switch mount. The cost is about $60.00 for the streamlight products.
Awesome set up. May your wife's siblings rest in peace.
very helpful video. Thank you.
check out cloud defensive they make a mount for the pressure pad also has cable management built into it. the mount is like 60 or so dollars
try olight rcr123 rechargeable batteries save you a ton
Prayers for your wife and the family
My wife picked me up one of these for Valentines Day. Love Streamlight products.
Nice video! Sorry for your wife's loss! Check out sage dynamics video on YouTube called all the lumens.
I will pray for you my friend.
Love your videos man. Sorry for your loss brother. This video came at great time. I'm needing some white lights for my rifle and I've really been wanting this one. I think you are are exactly right, for a $100 this light can't be beat for the average guy, especially when I may need 4 or 5 of them between my girlfriends rifles and mine.
Hate to hear the bad news. Awesome light!
Sorry for your loss, that's a tough hit.
Just posted my first video today! Go check it out i know it's bad but it'll get better lol sorry to for the loss the youtube gun community supports you brother
Very sorry to hear man. April will mark 2 years since I lost my brother. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him. We'll be thinking of your wife and family.
Sorry for your loss man! ……. Ive been very happy with my rail mount 1. It just cant be beat with the streamlight ruggedness and their excellent prices! Oh and I used the zip ties with mine and where it was close to the gas tube it melted after 200 rounds.
Great looking rifle! Very sorry for your loss as well.
Sorry about your loss Brother! Nice set up! Carry On!
Sorry to hear about the loss of your wife's Brother man.. sending prayers and positive thoughts your way brother .. hang in there and keep up these awesome vids !!
Very sorry for your wife and her loss.
I really like that rifle and setup:) Our rifles are almost twins. Both my BCM mount and Streamlight have been holding up great I think it will work out well for you. Great vid brother and sorry about your families loss.
Sorry for your loss brother! Keep up the great work!
Nice love that rifle setup !!!!!! God Bless you and your Family!!!! One day @ a time!!!
I still don't get it.