Home EOTech EOTech 552 style replica review – GAT Airsoft review

EOTech 552 style replica review – GAT Airsoft review


In this video I present you an Eotech 552 style replica.
Purchased on www.snitactical.com


Subtitles available in GERMAN and FRENCH!!!

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RepeatSounds // Professor Kliq – Wire & Flashing Lights
RepeatSounds // Minoru – Swirls

– Bitte schreibt mir eine Nachricht wenn sich in den deutschen Untertiteln Schreibfehler befinden. Danke!
– S.v.p. m’envoyer un message s’il y a des fautes orthographes dans les sous-titres français. Merci!

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  1. hi i wont to buy this replica but some of the replica 552 cant be zeroed in i was wondirng if this one can plz be honest i wont this but dont wont to wast if cant get it zeroed

  2. Quick Question: If I wanted to buy an Eotech Replica from your site, how much would I have to pay additionally for the shipping and handling to go from your stores/warehouses, to Illinois in the US? Thanks, and looking forward to purchase a few a products from you guys!

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