Home AR-15 Bear Creek Arsenal AR15 in 7.62×39 unboxing

Bear Creek Arsenal AR15 in 7.62×39 unboxing


I was asked to do this video by classicfirearms.com

Unboxing a BCA ar15 in 7.63×39. Standard A2 accessories and A3 carry handle. Looks like a good base model for the price. Solid lockup with the upper and lower. looks like more aggressive feed ramps inside than on a 556 set.

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  1. I am guessing that the mags are proprietary and expensive ? I wanted to ask you if you have found any other mags that fit this rifle . What does it weigh ? Is it lighter than an ak ? i APPRECIATE ANY INFO OR ADVICE YOU MAY HAVE ON THIS GUN .I watched a review on the bear creek 556 ar15 and the guy stated that the carry handle kept falling off . I wonder if the handle is batter on the 762 model ?

  2. Good overview, thanks. I have a couple of PSA 7.62×39 and picked up a Bear Creek upper not long ago because PSAs were unavailable for a while. Haven't been out to shoot the Bear Creek, but they look comparable to the PSA, maybe just a little bit more rough overall. PSA has come back with their upper in the last week or so, plus now they are mid-length gas system vs. carbine length. Had to pick one up .. just because. Hitlery. Election. Etc.

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