Home AR-15 AR-MPR interactive AR-15 Build – Tools needed to build an AR-15 –...

AR-MPR interactive AR-15 Build – Tools needed to build an AR-15 – UltimateReloader.com


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In this video, we’ll talk about the various AR-15 tools, general gunsmithing tools, and general non-gunsmithing tools that we’ll be using the put together the AR-MPR AR-15 rifle. For a detailed inventory of these tools and additional information, please visit
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  1. When you talked about the special trigger pin tool with the large black knob on it…you said it was for a gesselle ( ga-zell ) trigger …did you mean geissele trigger…pronounced ( guys lee ) ?

  2. When I first started I used to use a bolt carrier group as a hammer (oh ya you need a hammer too) and an EOD leatherman and thats it as far as I remember (the EOD leatherman had a punch for c4 punch and other handy things).

  3. But really, c'mon now. I learned how to build when I was in the Marines, I used to get bored and curious and eventually just took the majority of my M-16 apart and then put it back together. Thats was usually in a hallway etc. I have built these things before and you absolutely do not need this many tools. Just get a multi-tool, an armorers tool, some punches and a vice is good if you have one, you may (may) need a torque wrench and a timing and head spacing gauge.

  4. Yeah, I go more on the cheap side … not very mechanical and didn't want to get to a point where my tools were more expensive than the ARs that I'm building … but, If I had a bigger pay raise and bigger garage, I can see your point.

  5. This guy took the time to make a detailed video to help fellow gun enthusiasts. You not only took the time to watch his video, but you also took the time to hate on him for making it. Looks like the biggest tool in your collection is you.

  6. your joking right thats funny……. a leatherman or visegrips can take you out of a jam on the side of the road often..an ar-15 can be done in the feild and a mans belt………if your going to work with tools then work with real tools.. not tools from the dollar store……..but some of us that make a living with tools snap-on, mac, craftsman, and other high quallity puppose built tools…….. 100's of thousands of dollars in some shops… awesome thats funny.

  7. you have way to much time on your hands…… you have almost every tool you own geared for the ar 15…. give me a break……… you only missing a roll of toilet paper for your ass….. you must have a block in your kitchen for the knifes and forks,, and for the soaps in the tub…… OCD…

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