Cross Machine Tool AR10 308 win pistol
Ballistic Advantage 12.5″ Modern Series 308 Barrel
Trigger Tech adjustable trigger
Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8×24
VG6 Precision GAMMA 762 muzzle brake
SB Tactical SBM4 pistol brace
Freedom Munitions 175gr HPBT ammo

This is my next build… first video I've seen on YouTube somebody pushing the 308 12.5 at that distance…..good shit bro, make an vid of milk jugs at that distance..
You will have better luck with the heavies like the 195’s and up in that short barrel. The heavies are more efficient in short barrels due to they don’t loose as much velocity per inch as the 175’s and lower do. I have a 16” and I get the same velocity with the 200’s as I do with the 175’s and it’s b/c of efficiency with the heavies. Plus you have a higher b.c
How much does it weigh? Been thinking about building a 12.5 myself. Nice shooting btw.
What length rail is that?
I have a 12.5" 308 as well. I'd like to see how far it'll reach and bullet velocity drop. Good shooting!
Good shooting dude! Curious what velocity you’re getting