Home CMMG CMMG MK47 Mutant Hybrid Rifle Full Review

CMMG MK47 Mutant Hybrid Rifle Full Review


Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The CMMG MK47 Mutant is a true Hybrid 7.62×39 Caliber in an AR-15 Style Rifle. With all the advantages of both systems, CMMG has really produced a game changer.

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  1. Very detailed video on a great rifle. I own a Mutant AKM2 myself and mine has run flawlessly after about the first 50 rounds (likely break in) since I purchased it. The only mags that I own that have given me any trouble in the gun are Tapco mags. I really like the AR style setup but truly enjoy shooting the heavier 7.62×39 round. I could essentially have the same experience shooting 300 blackout however it would cost me at least three times as much every time I pull the trigger.

  2. I waited quite a while to obtain a "bottom line" variant of CMMG's Mutant and finally received it. Love the rifle and its accuracy amazes me especially after I dropped in the Timney 3lb trigger I had purchased waiting to install into this rifle. With a 3X9X44 Burris scope I can make one ragged hole shooting off sand bags at 100 yards on my own VERY modest range in my back pasture. On one blog site I saw the question asked if this rifle was worth the extra cost over the Windham M4A3 and for me that answer is yes. It shoots at least as accurately as the fine Windham rifle even with the factory trigger but also is legal to hunt with and delivers a heck of a lot more energy on target. I love everything about the "Mutant" but only wish that I could have gotten one of the very early models that had a chrome lined barrel and chamber as I have yet to prove the longevity of these new barrel treatments which are "said" to outlast chrome lining but the true fact is that the new treatments cost a fraction of what it costs to chrome line a barrel and chamber. Having gotten in excess of 40K rounds out of an old SLR95 with its chrome lined barrel it will take me quite a while to check out the accuracy of the claims made by the proponents of the new barrel treatment. Good thing that CMMG backs their product with a superb warranty! I just hope I dont have to take advantage of it when I find my bore becoming smooth before it reaches a 15-20K round count.
    Another great thing about these rifles is how overbuilt some of its features are from its bolt carrier group and that MASSIVE bolt face to actually taking into consideration the mag well wear for people using steel AK mags by installing that steel protective rod/plate and the front of the magwell.
    Great rifles though I wish that chrome lining was an option and why the company didn't think that they could afford to toss in a set of back up iron sights is beyond me. I would also prefer a quad railed fore end with covers over the key mod set up though buying the key mod rails won't break the bank and I guess it does save some weight.
    Just a great gun all around that I truly enjoy and highly recommend!

  3. Sootch I shoot a lot of corrosive 7.62×39 ammo. Now with the AK platform rifles it is just too easy to completely disassemble and clean out the entire rifle from the gas port hole, the gas tube, to the fire control group. So how would it be to completely disassemble this rifle and clean everything on it? Thanks in advance.

  4. I want to want one, I just cant. No forward assist, not having a BHO with this style charging handle would make loading a new magazine a choir, the AR style bolt release is probably its most ergonomic feature, and the final nail in the coffin, a DI system for an extremely dirty round.

  5. This video says this rifle comes "sight ready".  Not really true as the flip-up sights are all calibrated for the  fast flat shooting 223 rounds not the slow curved 7.62×39. As a result the rifle — once sighted in at 100 yards–is useless beyond 200 yards.  might as well get an AK/SKS.  Until the factory offers the proper iron sights made for this round I say pass.

  6. How does the MK47 function with lower quality ammo (i.e. Wolf, TulAmmo, etc.)?  I know that the AK's can function immaculately with ANY ammo for months without being cleaned and still not have cycling issues.  Is that the case with the MK47?  Not to say I don't clean my guns, but it's nice knowing that I don't have to fire premium ammo and if I forget to clean my gun once in a while it's not going to affect the performance of it.  Just wondering how the AR style gas system plays a part in this.

  7. Hey Sootch, u said this MK47 Mutant Hybrid was very accurate. Can u show us on some paper targets a accuracy comparison between the AK47 and the Mutant Hybrid MK47? Also is it more or less accurate than a AK47??

  8. I think my problem with this hybrid is it's the worst of both worlds.  It's the AR platform, with the dirty cheap AK ammo.  The best of the AK is reliability with it's gas piston system (which this doesn't have) and the worst of the AK is it's cheap ammo and therefore accuracy.  The best of the AR is it's accuracy (mostly because of ammo) and the worst is it's reliability (mostly because of the gas impingement system).  So you take an AR looking rifle with gas impingement and feed it crappy ammo and you have the worst of both weapons…no?

  9. This gun is a fail in my book because it should have an Adam Arms piston system with the buffer tube. The fact that this gun is DI – removes the very feature that makes the AK such a reliable system. The only benefit to this rifle is the ergonomics – NOT the reliability. This has AR-15 reliability not AK. They should have kept A PISTON SYSTEM. 

  10. Do not buy the CMMG MK47 until they properly use a pinned low profile gas block as per mil spec. Set screws alone aren't enough to keep the gas block from loosen during hard use. CMMG needs fix this. Sootch really shouldn't recommend people purchase this unreliable AR.

  11. A game changer??????  This rifle STILL has allll the pitfalls of the AR platform,  mainly the DI gas system and a weak buttstock.  And now ur throwing whats mostly gonna be Russian powder back into the receiver.  An AR with clean burning ammo may make a 1000 rd test but I doubt this mutant will.  CMMG should have put a piston in it otherwise Im gonna say that this is the mother of all marketing plows.  And its not that I don't like DI ARs either,  They work great AS LONG as u can clean them after a few hundred rounds,  but with a piston AR I KNOW I don't have to worry about carbon fouling.  This rifle is FAR from a game changer Sootch and I really cant believe you used that term.  A better option for 762×39 would be a SIG 556R if you want AR style controls and its  A LOT CHEAPER too.

  12. CMMG makes really good stuff.  I have a couple of their AR barrels.  Still, I wonder about their choice of direct impingement in their AR AK hybrid.  To my thinking, that's the worst of both worlds instead of the best of both worlds.  That's why modern semi-automatic rifles, even those known for accuracy, are moving away from direct impingement.  Most AK ammo isn't accurate enough to take advantage of the improved accuracy potential of direct impingement, and AK ammo tends to run dirty, both due to the powders used and the taper of the cartridge which tends to encourage increased blowback.  I don't have the benefit of having shot the MK47, and I've come to trust Scootch, but I still have serious doubts about how long this platform could be run without a thorough cleaning.  I'd bet it's a little more accurate than an AK, and at best as reliable as an AR, or maybe less.  At least CMMG could have used a nickel boron bolt carrier group to help it run better when dirty.  If you plan to run 200 or 300 rounds and then clean it, you should be OK, but I wouldn't buy this expecting long term AK reliability and great AR accuracy.

  13. Not really excited about this gun.  You have the "Rock it in and Click it" style AK magazines with gas impingement.  You've taken everything that is wrong with both designs and put them in one rifle for how much money?

    If you want 7.62 knock down power I think you're better off with a .300 blackout with a piston conversion kit.  You now have everything that is right in a rifle, plus its a hell of a lot cheaper.

  14. That thing looks so awkwardly long. Just assumed it was an 18" barrel. I paid extra attention to hear its length and was surprised to hear 16.1". Anyway, cute idea, not the first attempt. Not even this year, lol (ARAK 21). I'll pass, even if this was $700 or $800!!

  15. Looks great, but they should have kept the piston system. I feel they could have done something with the mag release. The upper and lower receiver look, well, ugly. I feel the rail could have tapered to fit the upper profile. It would be nice if they had last shot hold open and a larger charging handle and or ambi non reciprocating forward charging handle.

  16. What about depenability after 3000 rounds in one session, would it fail like other AR platforms. Im confused here i like AR's and AK but i wouldnt want a rifle like that, some might whatever on others if they do to me it looks gay.

  17. Too much money. Like another poster said, you can get a good ar and some ammo for this price, or two Ak's (or one ak and a lot of ammo!:). Ak's aren't as inaccurate as you've been told (more accurate than most of the berm shooters I see on the weekends), ar's aren't as unreliable as you've been told (unless you buy a cheap ass one, and feed it cheap steel case, and never clean it!). Also right now 5.56 isn't that much more expensive than 7.62.

  18. This is not a hybrid. It is nothing more than an AR with a different mag well and dif. caliber. It has nothing in common with an AK except the magazine. Seriously that's it. Its an AR not an AK in any regards. Now the ARAK…..that is actually a hybrid.

  19. >7.62×39
    >direct gas impingement
    >lacks a forward assist
    problems we ALL can see, the only good thing i see from this is a good way for AK guys to be introduced to the AR platform, but can we have more AK style rifles chambered in 5.56 that take AR mags?

  20. I think DI is a mistake for a combloc caliber, they are much too dirty for a sustained round count. Throw a long stroke piston system in it and a left side charging and you will give the Galil Ace a run for its money.

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