I do some shooting at various distances with the DD MK18, test it’s accuracy, discuss it’s development, features, and what I think of it overall.
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Beautiful weapon.
Hello there; thanks for the video. Great channel. Earlier this afternoon I purchased the MK18 Pistol due to this review. I have a question and a concern; hopefully you can lend me your opinion. I'm noticing that when I bring back the charging handle to eject a round (tap, rack, ready, drill) it either gets stuck 3/4ths of the way back and the round gets stuck, or I simply cannot pull it back at all. I'm wondering if there might be an issue with my rifle or that it's simply new and needs to be broken-in. I am getting scratch marks on the top of my arm brace because of the charging handle. Any chance that this is normal? Or do you think there might be an issue? Thanks a lot; I've subscribed.
Great video as usual. I just got mine today and can't wait to get to the range. As I live in Canada the only plce I can fire it is at a range. Oh Canada (phew)
They say the MK18 is over gassed, is that true? because Im thinking about getting one to go with my 300 BLK Out.
Does anyone know if the DD MK18 Pistol comes in at an overall length of over or under 26"?
You said you put a lot of different ammo through it, was it all .223, 5.56, or both??
SPRAY, hair spray on the buffer and slip the brace on. In a few hours it’s gonna be glued stuck without some over-zealous prosecutor claiming you modified the brace via electrical tape
This or BCM 11.5?
Can you put the sba3 on an a5, if so does that bring a mk18 to OAL26
You should do a review on hm defense… I think you will fall in love…. stop supporting dd…
Great information
Never ran suppressed?
Thought it is .70
I have no problem buying this or any DD rifle pistol components great stuff and people say stupid stuff all the time hell look at our political platform are you kidding me!! Move on people.
Whats so special about it? Its jus a 10 inch barrel ar pistol. Wtf
is it a mk18 or is it a pistol ? Snowflakes took over the gun market
Cute little gun. Worth $1400+………….No! But to each his/her own!
I’m wanting either this gun or the 805 Bren, the Bren has been kinda hard to find though. My local gun store is a DD dealer and has all the DD rifles and SBR’s. I wanting to at least get the Bren in my hands before I spend that much money. Are you liking the Bren?
got to go with the 11.5 now… Its just better… SR-15 baby
What size is the rail? Is it 10in or 9in, you didn’t specify that
This makes me moist.
Beautiful Compact rifle. But not allowed in Germany
Where can I buy those handguard rail covers?
Just picked up my DD MK18 Pistol yesterday from my FFL. Can’t wait to get it to the range. SBA3 brace is definitely the first upgrade.
My Ruger AR-556 was having serious problems with Red Army Standard. Several rounds that would not go off no matter what, failures to feed, eject, double feeds, and no bolt hold open.
braves retro 74 cap?
That's just an overpowered Kel Tec sub 2000 that can't fold. You need a longer barrel.
Why did DD pick the ugliest SB brace around lol
I'm glad you did this video. My friends ripped on me for getting a DD 11.5" barrel, saying that I spent too much money and that I could've gotten a Rosco barrel for much cheaper. Personally I want to buy the best and, in my opinion, this is by far the best barrel I could've gotten and I'm so happy I threw it on my SBR.
Great video bruv!
Can you tell a big difference in this and the PSA 10.5 you reviewed a while back? Recoil, accuracy, loudness, etc?
This is my bucket list AR, thanks for reviewing it!