UPDATE: In the light of many recent shares this video has seen a surprising amount of national attention. My daughter is now 10 years old, still enjoys trips to the range with me and the safe handling of firearms. We stay intuitive to her comfort level and desire to continue learning without pushing her beyond her will (think the opposite of stage mothers and honeybooboo).
My oldest daughter has been by my side since before the beginning of HausofGuns. She started shooting at 4 years of age and we’ve gradually allowed her a little more freedom with guns.
Now 7 years old, her confidence has grown to where I’m beginning to help her move from her 22 rifles to centerfire guns. This is her first time ever firing an AR-15 style rifle. We’ve still got things to work on, but I think she did an outstanding job.
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Vous êtes malade c'est une petite fille mec
Reminds me when I was seven and I learned how to shoot using a Marlin .22
great dad!
Is it legal? And if its legal i love USA /in France we need To have 16 years old To shoot and 18 To buy.
Omfg she’s fucken awesome that was amazing bro love her she had heart and obviously has experience cause the dad
I love when she says PRETTY GOOD like if it’s a toy gun lol smh BOSS!!!shell become some kind of agent with no problem in her future
I’m glad this girl didn’t get ptsd from shooting an ar15, sure beats that older pussy reporter who got ptsd because he’s a FUCKING PUSSY
You the kids
Awesome great demo of how to teach your kid to shoot safely keep up the good work
well damn , First time I fired an AR-15 I was 45. I was doubting she could handle it but she did.
Good girl
we are grown and still playing with water gun
let me tell you I do not make fun of all our brave men and woman who have served and have returned home with PTSD. but when we have a snowflake reporter who never served has never been shot at, and decides to shoot an AR-15 then says he has PTSD because he shot an AR-15 don't even call him a girl because we have woman in service who shoot and they have no problem, this young girl is shooting with no issues. lets call that reporter what he is snowflake.
Who does this
I was also 7 when I fired my first gun, but it wasn't an ArmaLite, it was an M4 Carbine
If more children are taught gun safety. Then children involved firearm accidents would decrease dramatic.
Show de bola amo armas longas
My future kid for sure
Who the heel lets there kid do dis shit
Eu sendo pai
Liberals everywhere are protesting this.
Nice job! I enjoy taking my kids shooting. Fun!
He's a awesome father
This is america
Salve Br
Nice job!!!!
I am sure she knows how to brush her teeth for two minutes, reads for a kid her age, cleans her room, and everything else a kid her age does. Then she knows how to fire a firearm! Gotta train the next generation of school shooters sometime. Better now than later.
We haven't had a female school shooter yet so…we are about due.
Pretty good!
keep your fingers off the trigger what the f bru I want to shoot the gun
Thats a low recoil
hell yeah when im back in america im gonna go to the shooting range
امير يا خال
Luuuuuuuuuuuuckyyyyyyyyyyyyy no fair
Essa nunca vai ser estrupada
I love this video, she is a darling with that AR15. Dad good job teaching her. you just never know ? you hope what you learn is never needed but just incase she is on her way in making sure, someone is in for a big surprise.thank you for sharing!
It's like m416
Who is it it why don’t you go rapidfire
No mames, los gringos son las personas mas locas que conozco, ni los rusos ponen a niñas de 7 años a disparar armas automaticas…
im 9 years old and i shot an 223 i know all the safty
lucky kid… never had chance even to shoot with a pistol
Now it's 8 years old