TLR-2S @ OpticsPlanet:
%5 Off with Code “Buffman”
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Finally decided to pick up a rail mounted light. Hard time deciding between the Surefire, and the Streamlight, but I ended up going with SL.
So far very impressed. Construction, overall quality, performance, all very pleasing.
I’m not too excited on how you operate the strobe feature on the light, but with training it should be easy.
Cameras: Iphone5
Edited with Adobe Premiere Elements 10

My TLR-1S strobe activates by a quick double press in the same direction. It's fairly easy. I'm surprised the activation is different.
i've noticed this on strobe lights. its a bitch to activate.
Nice F&N
This gun was meant to be an accessory hog. The light is for any one of my railed pistols or long guns
Talk about a Mall Ninja, do you have enough accessories on your pistol?
Very Good Choice for Handgun Weapon Light !!!