Steve Aryan of Grey Fox Industries discusses considerations when shouldering an AR pistol using the SIG Stabilizing Brace or a pistol buffer tube.
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7 minute video that tells us nothing that you couldnt say in 30 seconds……are you related to Nutnfancy by chance?
But Rob you said………
You talk too much you need to show and shoot you got diarrhea of the mouth
I think the idea is good. Yes he moves his head but not as much as someone bring their check to the rifle/pistol platform. And knowing how some of these guys operate they we're probably just talking and noticed that this could be a issue for ppl and had video equipment on hand and Boom YouTube video. Not going to knock the guy I'll try it see if will help, I imagine that I'll do the same thing. Hard to reprogram yourself when you been doing it wrong. Think how to do things more efficiently less movement less human error straight Bushido.
Just got my ar pistol is it legal to attach a brace
nice skills there i learnt from this video, although at about 4 minutes in it looks like the firearm is impeded by your belly, maybe you should join a gym bro
I don't know but the AR pistol not such a good idea guys I think the standard AR does a fantastic job for what it is. For A pistol go to the barretta or the CZs
Noveski handguard?
Great video and tips. I am building an AR pistol and is interested in 7.5" barrel. Do you recommend .223/.556 or .300 Blackout?
He called it a carbine. Uh nooooooooo
You have to be careful what you take from PDN. Some of their 'training' is suspect; such as the home invasion scenario that tells you to take your family out another door or window while the invader is coming in through another ( they actually did write that and say it could help you legally if you had to fire on the invader!). And yes, he IS dropping his head when he said not to.
Are you flexing? :O Bruh, We are already at the gun show
Former Minnesota Vikings Linebacker Ben Leber?
So the pistol buffer tube has been addressed by the BATF? Nope…if a pistol buffer tube won't accept a stock and is part of the operating system you can shoot it anyway you please. Same way you can shoot a glock from your chin.
Repeal the NFA
This guy did a good job. I have instructed many people and with the little experience I have gained, I can honestly say this guy did teach it right. I am not talking about laws that apply to SBRs or anything like that. A few people are hating on this guy, I would like to see them do the same thing.
This guy is a moron. 0:39 – He gives bad advice that can get someone in trouble. YOU CANNOT PERMANENTLY ATTACH THE BRACE BECAUSE THAT CONSTITUTES CONVERTING IT INTO A STOCK. It's in the ATF letter.
Steve Aryan should make a channel called Aryan Nation.
kangeroo arms
At the end I agree to an extent. Paper targets don't collapse like a human body does after being shot. Yes you want to be vigilant and ready for a secondary shooter. But you also want to follow that body with your muzzle in case for some odd reason 2 shots to the face didn't expire his life spand immediately and he reaches for a burner on his leg. With the muzzle up you can obscure your vision of the threat reaching for a secondary firearm.
Great tips. Thanks!
Wait can you clarify, is this technique ONLY good for Sig brace?
What if you prefer to shoot gangster and hold it completely sideways while crotch holding? Any tips? Oh and yes I am yelling obscenities too, in case you need to know that.
Why are AR pistols getting so much attention? I understand they are not great for home defense due to the noise and flash they generate, not to mention the decreased effectiveness of 5.56/.223 round out of a short barrel.
Good Vid & info. I recently purchased a Sig brace for my CMMG. I was doing exactly what you said not to do, bringing the brace off my body as I came up, then pressing back against my upper shoulder (too high & to the right). i followed your instructions & it made a big improvement in my sight picture & alignment. I'm still working on it but getting better.
We need a vid on ammo selection when running an AR pistol, especially when talking 7.5" barrels and the effect in the defensive arena.
Why is this guy explaining how to shoulder a rifle…
These brace techniques can be applied to SBR firearms, too.
Pistol and SBR laws are such a joke. You can't realistically call a short barreled rifle chambered in 556 with a stock to be a pistol. Whut???
Great vid
Don't bend your head down to the weapon, with your head straight up looking straight through your eyes bring the weapon up to your eyes. Notice how he bent his head down to the gun. That's not a good technique
This dude is fuckin tacticool! Stupid as shit but cool as fuck….like a high school volleyball champion after 25years.
"Don't drop your head" proceeds to drop head every time lol
do not i repeat do not glue your stock in place. one way ticket to federal prison
I rather a gen 4 Glock 23, cause they doing to much just to shoot a pistol
hay bum ass the stance you use is if you have body armor on if not hit the dirt, go back to school quit teaching people that you will have get killed
Fuck the ATF. Tyrant pissants who know nothing about death up close. You what to die at the hands of tyrant police then carry on but if you want to be ready to defend at Location then pay attention
Hey BryGuy418! I do believe your on the right trail about the brace. A real gray area. I wish vids like this would not be posted. To no offense PDN you did a great job. please forgive the negative.
Did anyone notice the brass extracting to the 1 o clock position . Mabye a lighter buffer will fix that
LOL who is still using this brace?
Just stop it already. We just got the OK from ATF and now, omg just stop.