Reviewing and unboxing a High quality replica EOtech EXPS3 holographic sight.
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Reviewing and unboxing a High quality replica EOtech EXPS3 holographic sight.
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Where did you get it
hello nice video! The quick release is really safe? The optics is firm and straight on the rail? Thank you
Anyone who buys fake shit is human garbage
do you have an issue with the glass reflection when using is outside?
Hi! I recently bought one of these for airsoft. I have a elevation problem. I needed to lower the red target more and it does not lower more. I think this model is about 7mm high compared to previous and perhaps for airsoft is not ideal. It should be perfectly centered with the iron sights..
Can you tell me if inside the red dot I can do something to lower the laser? Thank you!
how well would this hold a zero on a .223?
$170 for a clone? Try $40 on AliExpress.
Buyers BEWARE SNI tactical sells junk! If you have a problem they WILL NOT REFUND YOUR MONEY!!!! And becauses its China. They can get. Away with theft!!
Where do I buy the sight
Fake pos.
Never mind
365airsoft.com? I didn't find it. Where can I get it?
hey just had a question. I see that you use both an XPS and an Aimpoint. im trying to decidde which one to get. so which one do you prefer or like better?
I got this exact sight from snitactical.com for 54$
So what are the measurements for the lexan lens protector
If you do this mod an updated video. Shout out to cobra alex and heartless bastards airsoft team in Minnesota.
Did you receive the pictures?
I have those pics if you get me your email I'll send them to you.
Go to cobra alex on Facebook. It should give you an idea on where to start.
No problem. Also if you have a dust cover for it you can replace the front flap with Lexan.
Whit the Lexan right on the glass it will still shatter because the Lexan flexes. If you attach it on the outside of the sight you should have no problem. Learned this the hard way.
I have the exact same one and it isn't bright enough for outdoor use on a sunny day – Rabbit