Home EOTech AIRSOFT TACTICAL GEAR UNBOXING MAY 2015 / EOTech 552 Holographic Sight /...

AIRSOFT TACTICAL GEAR UNBOXING MAY 2015 / EOTech 552 Holographic Sight / Rocket BBs


Here I unbox some new Airsoft goodies!

MY OTHER CHANNEL (Mike’s Tech and Toys)

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please visit my website

All of the reviews featured on Airsoft Mike’s Youtube channel are brand new, out of the box reviews. So more often than not, all items featured will be in good, if not perfect working order.
A follow up review of all Airsoft equipment will be done at a later date.
This is so a full and frank opinion can be given. Any faults or issues discovered since the unboxing, will be highlighted in follow up videos.

Music credit: L’Étranger – Darlin’

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  1. Hi Airsoft Mike,

    I love your unboxing and reviewing videos but i would really like to see some airsoft gameplay with all the guns you have i really enjoy gameplay and i would like to see some from you! if thats possible that is XD

    Awsome video keep up the good work 🙂

  2. Mike, I am looking for a GBB airsoft gun that has good accuracy and range but I don't want it to be an M4 variant. Can you help me choose one that has semi and full auto and uses predator red gas. Also my GBB dragons work very effectively with red gas just to let you know and I recommend it more than green.

  3. Ahahah! 8:17 and Bob's your uncle! Never heard that before but it had me on the floor! I don't know why!! 😂 anyway Mike, as always, exceptional video. Never seen a laser on a site before. Gotta order me up one of these! 👌stay awesome Mike

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