Colt LE6920
Magpul Hanguard and Foregrip
Magpul Backup Sight
Magpul ASAP Sling Adapter
Magpul CTR Stock
Magpul BAD Lever
Hogue Grip
Elzetta Flashlight Mount
Polytac LED Streamlight
Eotech EXPS2-0
Primary Arms Long Eye Relief 3x Magnifer
American Defense 30mm Swivel mount

Do you have to aim the reticle directly at the front site post or does the holographic site act independently? In other words does the bullet hit where the holographic site is aimed or does it need to line up with the front site?
This is probably one of the funniest videos I have seen on Youtube. I couldn't stop laughing.
Definitely some shit I would do. No pun intended.
This was a very well-made video and very cool! Thanks. I want to get an acog for my 6920 socom when I get it but I think the FSP would get in the way so I decided I am going with a comp m4 for my socom.
A sight that cost more than the gun. Cool.lol
The video is exactly what I've been looking for! Just curious to know if the front sight is ever a pain in the ass while using your optics?
Finally! A simple video showing me a view down the sights of an optic I'm interested in. Well done
Tacti-cool toilet?lol
Nice setup!