The Mk57 is the newest addition to CMMG‘s line of Banshee pistols and SBRs. The firearm is chambered in the controversial 5.7x28mm cartridge which adds AR familiarity
to the arsenal of anyone interested in the 5.7 game. We have a full video discussing the inticacies of the the Banshee, intorduced earlier this year and thus, this video will focus
mainly on the differences pertinant to the MK57 and of course the 5.7 cartridge.
The MK57 is offered in two varients a 5″ and an 8″, both 1:9 Twist.the one pictured here is the 5″ pistol varient that comes equipped with the Gearhead works Tailhook Mod 2.
The SBR varients will be outfitted with CMMG‘s ripstock. Nuraled thread protecor and an RML4 Mlok Handguard complete the construction of the business end of the firearm.
The guts use CMMG‘s Radial Delayed blowback system pioneered for use in both the Banshee and Guard models, however, the Bolt carrier has been substantially lightened through skeletonizing
to reduce reciprocating mass and bring the gun’s recoil impulse to near zero.
All told the banshee weighs in under 5 lbs once you add in the ambidextrous controls, sling plate, Single stage trigger, and 20 round magazine.
You might be asking, what makes 5.7 so special?
Why is this cool? We are going to answer those questions with a wide range of tests.
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Thumbs up but don't see any point in turning 5.7 into standard velocity 22lr via subsonic rounds.
Nah, an sbr ps90 would be way cooler and could be done for the same money.
The 300BLK is the way to go. 208gr Subs and 110gr supersonics.
Where is the 4.6×30(mp7)?
Wonderful bit of gun porn. I loved it. I want one of these.
I don't like Subs…
Will this run with the Fostech gen 2 Echo
Subsonic 556? So you mean 22lr.
PCC's are obsolete.
5.7 = 22 mag
Just order a complete 5.7 upper, it costs a fourth the price of this for a good one, no paperwork and they take the PS90 mag's, just a way better play in my book.
Wondered why it has been said "the guy who runs Gun Mag Warehouse is an anti gun son of a bitch"….Ive done a great deal a research and can't find anything to support it….but for some reason I trust the guy who said it…..as do you VSO
I really don’t get why 5.7 isn’t more accepted. It’s a good round.
I want a 10mm one but the rifle looks great!
So awesome! Love the calibers on the banshee.
10mm explosive tipped caseless
Shame shame and shame…. that’s right you got 3 shames. You shot a defenseless avocado
! So delicious and you shot it. Lol
Finally a new five seven bullet launcher! Good shit cmmg.
Who got the money to shoot 5.7
It's not that the bowling pin is strong. It's light and moves backwards and absorbs the projectile. That test is meaningless.
Hello VSO Gunchannel, why do you say "controversial 5.7×28" cartridge? It's an excellently designed cartridge, a great performer, and great competitor/ alternative option to many common calibers. Right? I am genuinely very confused by your statement and would love an explanation. Thanks so much!
That's a badass lil blaster!
Tell me more about that "absolute audio" you performed in the video?
It is interesting that for the 5.7 guard they have a weightless buffer where as the 9mm and 45 guards have a buffer kit. Pretty interesting since the max case pressure for the 5.7 is 50,000 PSI while the 9mm has a maximum case pressure of 35,000 PSI.
I just like 5.56 or 7.62
I’d never buy anything chambered in that caliber
And im getting one. Excellent review! You guys keep stepping it up on quality of your videos!
5.7 isn't readily available cartridge around these parts. So nope, keep it 223.
She's very cool!
Dude should be pimp-slapped and sent home for coming to the range with a pink shirt! Lol
Is that 22plinkster in ur video?
Nice got the 9mm version but ima have to pick up the 5.7 as well
Nice shooting! thanks for the great words on our Vanguard Outfitters Blackfang rounds.