I found out the Hard Way that most free float handguards for AR-15 will not work with Gas Piston Systems.
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Does the piston system suck or just the handguards you are trying to use?
The fuck is you’re optic so god damned high over the bore?
One thing I've learned don't listen to all you tubers
Or you could buy the low profile gas block if it's an Adams Arms piston system.
Samson extended works great
I got an idea. how about not look for just a run-of-the-mill $60 POS. and get one made for a gas piston system. there's hundreds of them out there. another idea would be if you did buy a pos; buy one that covers the gas block and then grind it out so it covers the gas block. and then your rails all lineup sweet like. with all the different crap rails you showed us you could have but one decent one and that would have worked with no modifications and function the way it it should. just a thought………….
I have an Osprey Piston System an good handguards for that?
You hacksawed the barrel nut? Are you freaking serious?! What's up with that ridiculous scope mount?
so cheap that I bought 3 for future builds !!!! can be used for DI guns too !!!!!!
I've got 2 gas piston uppers, CMMG and Adams. my rails are different but I love them the same. the Cmmg sports the Midwest Industries two piece that you have to remove the delta ring, the Adams has the Ergo (really slim). while building an Adams rifle I found the best , cheaper and most awesomest find.
You should have done some research and spent your money better. You could have purchased an Adcor A556 Elite and moved beyond these issues.
Gas piston AR's absolutely suck. It a solution in search of a problem. You take an elegantly simple design and add more moving parts to it. The Filthy 14 BCM midlength went well over 40,000 rounds with no cleaning and didn't miss a beat. I know of no piston AR that's even hit 10,000. When Eugene Stoner went to Knights Armament the gas system was not one of the changes he made to the gun
Next time buy a rail designed for a piston gun and the correct gas length or go with a xlp gas block and fit "most" handguard stop any length you want
Osprey Defense piston system with a XLP gas block does NOT work with ATI free float handguards unless you grind down the top of the piston and a portion of the op rod.
i know the video is old but there is a low profile gas piston system as well as the osprey system that work with any DI gas block but the gas chamber is stillpretty big.
Oh, you converted a DI over to a piston? I already own an AR piston rifle. Wonder if I'll have better luck w/ mine, or ya reckon there could still be problems with it. Too bad there's not a compatability list, a guy could look this crap up, BEFORE going thru what you had to. Man, I'll bet your blood pressure was ready to blow the top of your damn head off! I feel for ya friend!
Still trying to guess what is on the wall……..
Samson Evolution free float rail with a 4inch extension is what i have on my Stag Arms 8l looks nice and its not bulky at all.
I sincerely hope you meant that you had to cut off the delta ring and not the actual barrel nut!
The title should say "Cheap Chinese shit sucks on just about anything"
first off get rid of that hideous high profile gas block and get the XLP, then get your favorite rail. Presto! you are done
You have to have a low profile gas piston block such as the adams arms xpl block. Or depending on the the length of your gas system they make railes that will fit flush with your stock block.
Or just go with samson evolution rails, they are all relived for piston systems.
great job shooting the TV, great for the environment
did he say 60 dollar rail? well there you have it
What you mean to say is that cheap, dog shit, $60 Chinese rails won't fit piston rifles…..at least at the time this video was made. I got into piston AR's almost 3 years ago and they have tons of bad ass rails that fit. Both 1 peice free float, 2 peice free float, and 2 peice drop in rails from a variety of manufactures were available at the time this video was made. Hell… you could've even gotten a Magpul MOE handguard that works with piston AR's.
I thought everybody knows that. The only way your good with it if you get yhe same rail what the manufacturers uses or get the complete upper…
This guy is a moron he has no idea what he's doing
Actually pistons are better and they come with a lot of different handguards you can get
Midwest Industries 20P sir!
Lancer Systems and Adams Arms conversion kit.
If you have an Adams Arms piston system, their website lists quite a few hand guards that will work. I went with the Daniel Defense lite rail.
this…just saved me a lot of heartache. cheers bruv!
Question. Did the Gas Piston in anyway effect the accuracy of the rifle, I.E render the
floating barrel pointless?
Direct impingement is the way to go. Piston ar15s are nothin but a pain in the ass!
check out the JP enterprises handguard. they are a nice wide tube, nothing on the inside to get in the way. I dont know if the barrel nut will accommodate the piston system but based on what i am seeing in this video the handguard should