Home CMMG AR15 Fast Buffer Tube Removal

AR15 Fast Buffer Tube Removal


Collapsible or Non-Collapsible. No nonsense quick video on how to remove both a collapsible buffer tube and non-collapsible buttstock / buffer tube.

Note: Be sure you are installing the correct buffer spring for your application.

Collapsible procedure starts at 00:40.
1. Remove upper receiver and set aside if not already done.
2. Loosen Castle nut using armorer’s wrench.
3. Put pressure on end plate / sling adapter and finish unscrewing castle nut with fingers. Slowly relieve pressure on plate and then you can remove the detent spring if you like.
4. Put pressure on buffer and spring and push down on buffer retainer and then let off the buffer to allow it to go past the buffer retainer and set the buffer and spring to the side.
5. Push down on retainer and unscrew the buffer tube and set aside.
6. Now you can remove the retainer and spring if needed.

Non-Collapsible procedure starts at 02:32.
1. Remove upper receiver and set aside if not already done.
2. Put pressure on buffer and spring and push down on buffer retainer and then let off the buffer to allow it to go past the buffer retainer and set the buffer and spring to the side.
3. Use a screw driver and remove screw from back of non-collapsible buttstock.
4. Slowly pull buttstock off of buffer tube being careful of detent spring. You can remove this spring and set it aside if you like.
5. Push down on retainer and unscrew the buffer tube and set aside.
6. Now you can remove the retainer and spring if needed.

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  1. What is the life span of a buffer spring. I have a Core Tac III about 3 years old and about 1200 rounds through it? Also, does keeping stored with the bolt back lessen the lifespan or does it matter? THX

  2. the gun shop I had to "stake" the castle nut that holds end plate on and buffer tube in, used locktite instead of staking the nut…now that I want to replace the basic endplate, I cannot remove the nut nor can a buddy of mine who built quite a few ar15…we tried heat and manhandle it, no go.

  3. I just had a gunshmith do this for me at a local gun shop, and now my bolt won't lock to the rear. It seems like the bolt is hitting something that's preventing it from traveling back and locking. It won't lock manually or with an empty mag. The only way I can get it to lock is if I pull REALLY hard on the charging handle, which is a no-go. Do you know what could be wrong?

  4. Can you do a video of how to go from collapsible stock to non collapsible, with what parts are needed? I actually want to install that fixed stock in your video on a my M4 Carbine.

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