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  1. Great job with this video, very informative and accurate. The comments have lots of information as well. Good job Shawn Williams with using a non raised model eotech. I too have flip up sights both front and rear and would want a perfect line up with a no riser eotech xps.

  2. Nice gun man! I was going to get a vortex magnifier for my EXPS 2-2. But in your video you said it sat a lil bit low with an extra shim. So is there anyway we can get a higher shim and what size?

  3. Thanks for your vid. I have an EXPS 2-0 and the G33 is just too expensive for me considering how much I'd use it, but I wanted a magnifier that would work with the 1/3 co-witness. I am between this vortex and the Burris AR tripler. The Burris has a QD mount for the same weight, but this vortex just dropped in price to $160 on amazon vs. $229 for the Burris/QD mount combo. Decisions…decisions.

  4. I have the eotech 517 with a vmx3t mounted with the shim. For me, it sat slightly low for me to have an absolute co-witness. About 0.25 inch low. I was wondering if it was the same for you as well? Viewing angle bothered me a bit…or maybe i need to adjust how I rest my cheek on my AR. lol
    And for the life of me….i CANNOT find a 0.25 inch riser. 🙁

  5. It was meant to swing to the left for right eye dominant, that's why they put the swing release button to face you. If your left eye dominant I could see why you would want to do it. Hey its your gun do whatever is more comfortable for you. I think the EOTech magnifier actually swings to the right, and their swing release faces you as well. Not trying to get into your business. You have a great gun. Also your video is very helpful. Just built my first AR and have almost the same setup. My EO is the EXPS2-2 (2 dot) and have the same magnifier.

  6. Not sure if you meant to, but you have the  mount backwards on the VMX3. The swing control button should be facing you not the muzzle. This will make the magnifier swing out to the left. You may prefer to right, but swing out button is easier accessed facing you.

  7.      I mounted my Vortex VMX-3T with an EO tech 512 on my M&P 15 tactical and they matched up perfect or absulute cowitness. It does have the shim if you want a 1/3 cowitness. I kept my MAGPUL MBUS flip up iron sights on and the Vortex scope flips right over it with no problem. Awesome set up and looks great. Vortex made a good magnifier less cost than a G33 from E Tech.  

  8.    I just bought the Vortex VMX 3T to go with my EO Tech 512. I haven't mounted them to my M&P 15 tactical yet but by the looks of it, they compliment each other very well and the heights are near perfect. Awesome set up.

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