I just couldn’t help myself…..went to Walmart for Ammo, and ended up buying a
Colt LE6920MP…. they had 5 models to choose from! Sig, Bushmaster, and another model Colt. Walmart prices are competitive… and the item was in stock !! When other retailers flip flop under political pressure, Walmart stands their ground and continues to carry what they sold prior to “Sandy Hook”…….
BTW— WALMART employees receive a 10% discount on these rifles!
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Walmart is a bunch of commie pussies to STOP selling AR's, just ridiculous! All they are about is money anyway…
how much was it lmao
picked up same one paid $889 out the door. very nice shooter..
Where the fugarya? Sounds like a fountain….
if colt's going bankrupted what if you guys are buying not so good quality control guns from walmart? Maybe that's why walmart stop selling ar's cuz colt cant supply
its just amazing to me the price difference of the same exact guns all over the country
My o my have times changed since 6/10/13…and all those nice things you said about Walmart standing their ground
Beautiful rifle….one of the two I have decided to keep (this and the Socom). At $500…too good to pass on such an incredible deal. Have you tried to mount an optic on this yet? Just curious to see what you did with the front sight.
Bought one today at Wal-Mart for 699.00 I really didn't need it but the price was just too good….
2:54 looks like they didn't put the screw in the magpul trigger guard.
Colt going Bankrupt, got mine for $899… http://www.Grabagun.com
I brought mine today at Walmart Goshen, Indiana and paid $849 on rollback. It only came with 1 P-Mag when it's suppose to come with 2 but there only $10-12 a pop anyway.
I just got mine yesturday for $985 with all magpul accesories and 3 pmags. That was the final price.
What a great looking rifle the magpul is worth the extra coin throw on a trijicon and your good to go. I like Daniel defense but I don't need that much rifle and don't even get me started on the lwrc rifles but that's for the professional' s.
I have found it for $895, hope the price doesn't get any higher I'm saving for my first AR
didnt you have to wait 10 days?
Nice under 1500 $ 1079 is best
Support your local gun shops,not WalMart!! My gun shop was within $50.00 of walmarts price,threw in 250 rounds of 556 and a custom colt tactical carry case.Best of all I didn't have to go to china art and Iam supporting a local small business…..
Sub 1000 @ this site. http://www.gandrtactical.com/
I got mine for $1097 with 1000 rounds and the price was under $1500
I live in Texas and Walmart has the best price I've seen on this weapon. I plan in purchasing after Christmas. The problem is finding them though. Every where else between 1350-1500.
These are screaming deals, full on Colt LE6920 with Magpul – if you want an American AR icon immediately go to Walmart and get one…
Good for you !
full, bottom not cut
Bolt carrier full length on bottom or is bottom cut?
gen2 no window
If you are still looking.
Mossberg 930 is $500
Remington Versa max is 769 or close to that one.
Cool Pete!! I did not realize you had already got one from Walmart. Hey 2 questions
1) the Magpul magazine was a gen 2 MOE right?
2) Is the bolt carrier group in this one a FULL M16 bolt carrier group or is it cut like an AR-15 one?
Also I saw your other vid on ammo today, nothing over hear today so tomorrow should be good!!
I want another one….Walmart has been getting them in like crazy!
Been kinda looking at the S&W AR 15 for a while. Kentucky gun co has them for about $600 with free shipping. But ammo in people republic of illinois is scarce
"Magpul" Original Equipment I believe.? From the Colt factory , It is an edition where all these parts are made by Magpul, I think Smith makes an M&P 15-22 from the factory the same.
Moe grips. What's moe stand for ?
best AR15 for $1k
Negative on that….. except they cost a few bucks!
Do you happen to know anything about semi auto shotgun prices?
The LE6920MP with all the Magpul additions coming with it from the factory was 1167….prices are going up!
How much did you pay?
God I want one soooo bad! I just cant afford it though with my 2 kids and bills. I'm tryin to trade my taurus oss ds tactical in 45 acp and my custom tactical rem 870 magnum for a used AR but no luk yet
The Bushmaster was sold yesterday….still have a Sig 7.62 for two grand !! Also still have a Colt M4 A1 LE6920socom for 1497 dollars!
Bullet Button: Defined
A bullet button is a mechanism that allows the firearm operator to release a magazine only if a tool (usually a bullet tip or an Allen wrench) is used. Thus, the magazine isn't technically "detachable." Rather, it can be described as "attachable-fixed." Installing a bullet button only takes a minute, and can mean the difference between a legal and an illegal firearm
I saw on the Colt site a LE6920 has a CA version with a nine clip? Also that weird magazine release to slow you down.. Feinstein, Pelosi, Jerry Brown,,, I pray 4 you daily ! I came from a Nazi state in the North East now run by an Italian Governor who thinks he has a shot in 2016 !