Home EOTech The EOtech 512 review… Or really a company review.

The EOtech 512 review… Or really a company review.


My overall impression on the EOtech series of optics in general. My opinions (baised on my experiences) are the reason why this would be #2 on my list of optics that I would trust my life to. But either way, they are still great optics.

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  1. I dont think the battery life is that big of a deal. In the Army we use aimpoint close combat optics, which uses 2 AA batteries. You just need to make sure you turn it off when not in use, and carry around extra batteries.

  2. after a while, if u are used to your rifle, one can look through the glass, see your front sight, and hit your target. even with the optic off. love my fixed fsb! training training training

  3. They do like to get dirty but i have been using them for 11 years and after real hard use i have never had a issue. battery life sucks true and they do brake but so do Aimpoints i own them both they both work very well for me and i beat the shit out of my gear during training Never had a issue with EOTech

  4. Hey bro great review 👌 I just picked up a 552 manufactured in '03 from a buddy for $50.00 I guess he didn't know what he had (was given to em by his friend in 10th mountain) if I'm not satisfied, well hopefully I can take advantage of the buy back program from Eotech!

  5. Are you kidding us with this review? You have seen many optics go down because people got mud inside the shroud and that caused the lens to break… and a soldier can't remember to touch the optic in 8 hours so it won't shut off. He must be pretty busy to not have 5 seconds every 8 hours… rubbing side of rifle on things such that the (recessed) screws get "squishy" and misaligned. Perhaps the Eotech breaks more than the Aimpoint, I do not know. Yet, many points made here are ridiculous! If one is getting mud and beating the rifle against things, then maybe they need to take better care of their rifle as well!

  6. EOtech all the way. 1st American made, secondly its the best shooting optic on the planet, thirdly the XPS2 fixed all the problems I had with the 5xx series. And if I want to buy anything "better" I'm getting a Trijicon.

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