Home StreamLight Pistol Light Comparison – Surefire x300u, XC1, Streamlight TLR, and Inforce APL

Pistol Light Comparison – Surefire x300u, XC1, Streamlight TLR, and Inforce APL


A side-by-side comparison of pistol lights. Comparing the Surefire x300 ultra, Surefire XC1, Streamlight TLR-1 HL, and the Inforce APL. This video evaluates the aforementioned weapon Lights using the categories of reliability / durability, controls and activation, brightness (lumens), cost, and ease to conceal (with the appendix carry in mind). I am personally using the Inforce APL mounted on a Glock 19 in a t.rex arms sidecar holster for my everyday Carry (EDC).

NEW LIGHTS I LIKE (not in this video):
(1) Streamlight TLR-7 –
(2) Streamlight TLR-8 –

Guns Blog –

Inforce APL Light –

Streamlight TLR-1 HL

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  1. I currently use the inforce aplc, I love it, when he was talking about it not turning on sometimes, it’s a simple fix, don’t tighten down the screw so much an you won’t have any problems.

  2. Late to the party, but I LOVE my TLR-1. Have had very good luck with the Streamlight brand, and have a very nice appendix carry holster for my P320. Surefire is a great light too, just a little pricey for me. Haven't had a long enough knowledge of the Inforce to make a judgement…. Good stuff, John!

  3. This video was very well thought out and helpful for someone making a decision on what pistol light to get. I liked and subscribed also because I was cracking at your friend carrying appendix concealment with the surefire and being totally comfortable as he’s 6’12” LOL. Awesome job and I will keep an eye out for more of your videos!!!

  4. surefire fan… I've used many lights and when you can get an 800 lumen TLR 1 HL for 110 dollars vs an x300u for 220, that seems pretty simple to me. Apart from defective products I think all the lights are reliable options. When you take the lights outdoors and start putting some use through them, most people come to one conclusion, you can never have enough light. Batteries drain fast too. You don't get an hour and a half of use at full power. It starts at full power but starts getting weaker. End of the day it depends on what you're doing. bedside gun, any would be great. Law Enforcement/Military, I'd go with the Streamlight. If you want to show off how much money you have and how much of a tacticool guy you are, go with the surefire. The surefire is a great light, joking aside, but twice as much money for a light that's only 75% as bright as the other? It has one job, to light up an area…just my opinion.

  5. To be fair, the temp position on the TLR Lever is not to blame for the lights NDs. If a person is 100% responsible for the discharge of their firearm, they are 100% responsible for the discharge of their WML. A majority of Officers in our Dept have the TLR1HL and struggle to use it's temp on position. While Officers who use the x300 are struggling to turn it on at all. But at the other end of this spectrum. Officers who are using the HL can off the light and move while x300 guys are taking just a few extra moments to off the light and move. It's also easy to tell who has a HL and who has a x300. The x300 has a decent center beam for some okay 7-20yd throw. But the HL has the exact same center beam just a bit wider and far far more spill.

  6. Funny you're the only person I've ever heard complain about the tlr1 hl, even all the big YouTube trainers use them, I have however heard lots of people bitch about the surefire, one of them works well on rifles, one doesn't, seen some real bad reviews on Amazon too, gonna watch some YouTube videos about them. I have never NDed my streamlight, maybe your students need more teaching lol.

  7. I would switch the XC1 and APL ratings. I have two XC1s and really wanted to like them, but the first wasn't dependable and neither lit up the night. I broke the mounting plate on one and was not that rough. I switched to the APL and then the APLc (compact). As you said the light is much brighter for the same amount of lumens and much more dependable for half the price. And the APLc is just as concealable as the XC1. Absolutely no question which is the better light.

  8. TLR1 gets a 1 out of 5 for control/activation? I disagree. All of a sudden everybody thinks streamlight is trash and surefire gets praises at every turn. Former door kicker here and we were using TLR’s in 2003 with no issues long before all these new kids on the block.

  9. Are you kidding me with control and activation !!! You obviously never used the TLR-1 cuz its the easiest to turn on vs all the other ones on that list ! The surefire x300u is the hardest to activate so I think that you need to update that board or do some more training with those lighta

  10. I’d love to hear a follow up. The XC1 seemed like a descent concealed carrier weapon mounted light. Now that the XC1-B is out with 300 lumens, I’m curious if it would stack up better.

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