Home AR-15 AR-15 – The Beginner’s Guide – What to Know About the AR-15

AR-15 – The Beginner’s Guide – What to Know About the AR-15


Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:

Did you just buy your first AR-15? Not sure how everything works? I go over everything in this quick video.

How to Clean & Lube Your AR-15:
Enhanced Pins EPP/ETP:
Damage Industries:
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  1. Omg… I really appreciate this video. I know a lot about my AR15 but this AR15 for Beginners like me it makes alot of sense. I will be meeting with my local gunsmith for more instructions on proper cleaning, breaking it down, and reassembling it. Thanks Again.

  2. Olá, gostei muito dos seus vídeos. Como consigo algum material sobre o assunto (manutenção de armas), em português? Aqui no Brasil não há quase nada disponível, os melhores arquivos estão em inglês. Queria aprender mais sobre armas, como um hobby! Desde já agradeço!

  3. Thank you so much for the video, it was very helpful and informative! I plan on purchasing my first AR-15 soon and knowing these little details on how it works and where everything is not only helps when cleaning the rifle when its time but also when your shooting it. That way you know whats going on and your operating the firearm safely.

    Thanks again!

  4. Nice job. The serial number goes on the portion of a firearm that contains the fire control group (aka trigger group). You might take a bit more time to clearly point to specific items you mention. It was kind of vague as you went quickly. All in all though, a good video.

  5. I am caught between building one and buying a complete from d and d … any suggestions. I don’t want to get ripped off but I do have 1200 to spend . I have been saving money for awhile. And this would be my first one .

  6. Thank you soooo much! I am new to AR's and I took mine apart to clean it, when putting it back together i COULD NOT figure out why the charging handle was not going back into place with the bolt. After MUCH panic, I found your video and I went straight to the part about those damn notches you have to get to and then drop it in. So thanks again, I will sleep easy tonight.

  7. Hey, y'all. Iz dis gun guud fer shootin' varmints and tin cans. Me an' ma buddies like ta shoot varmints and tin cans. Dey iz good old boys, an' all. Sorry fer ma lack o' intellect, but I don't read or rite too well. Sho can fire a gun, tho! You don't need no readin' an' riting to shoot a gun. Thank god on that, too! Else we'd never have a military. Anyways, I gotta go now. I left a six-pack o' Bud on the bonnet o' ma Chevvy, and the engine's bin runnin' a hour. Catch y'all later, fo sho.

  8. Is your forward grip legal with the barrel length you have? I’m only asking because I’ve got a 10” barrel and NFA regulations say the firearm should be registered if it possesses a forward mounted grip and barrel length of less than 16”. Or is your angled grip ok to use without registration? Any insight would be appreciated

  9. Here's what you need to know: buy as much ammo and as many guns as you can and then report it all stolen. Fast. They're coming. They've already started in the communist states like California and Massachusetts.

  10. I got an ar15 but it doesn't shoot. I put the bullet in the chamber and pull the trigger but it only clicks. I bought it today so I want to see if I can fix it if not the Ama return it.

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