Home AR-15 What is a Bump Stock? Should it be illegal?!

What is a Bump Stock? Should it be illegal?!


How does a bump stock work? This video will demonstrate how a bumpstock works when attached to a Semi-Automatic AR-15. This has been in the news quite a bit lately as the United States government holds hearings on whether this gun accessory should be banned.

This video shows how a Bump Stock works, and what it can accomplish while attached to an AR-15.

It is currently illegal for private United states citizens to own a fully automatic firearm. (As of 1986) BUT bump stocks are only an accessory to a rifle, and don’t actually alter the gun to fire automatically. So they are totally legal as of the posting of this video, anyone can buy one, and anyone can shoot with one.

The question is: Should it stay legal? or should this accessory be regulated?

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The camera I used to film this video:
The Lens I used for this video:
Wide angle lens:
And this Metabones adapter:
This is the drone I use:

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  1. Honest question: Why do people in USA harp on and on about military rifle lookalikes on both sides, when the massive amounts of pistols absolutely everywhere for everyone is statistically(and logically) the biggest problem around?

  2. I see a lot of comments from people that just play video games and have no clue about actual guns. The bump stock gives the gun an incredible rate of fire with reduced accuracy. But one does not need a bump stock to bump fire a gun. Just makes it more convenient. Don't see it needing to be illegalized. We will always have violence no matter what we make illegal.

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