Home AR-15 Stance and the AR-15: Modern Sporting Rifle Tip – Modern Defensive Training...

Stance and the AR-15: Modern Sporting Rifle Tip – Modern Defensive Training Systems


Modern Defensive Training Systems training director, Chris Fry demonstrates the proper stance and four points of contact when shooting AR-15-style rifles. (NSSF Video)

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  1. Hate the squared stance. No one who has ever played cops and robbers would leave their chicken wings exposed. It will be pulled in, no need to adopt that "platform". Note poor Fred's wrist, ouch! He now needs to go out and invest in a new pistol grip for his rifle. Is there anywhere that trains normal people for abnormal occurrences?

  2. Very informative, concise video. Really helped me as I "recently woke up one day" and FORGOT how to hold a rifle and/or carbine. I could not sight down the barrel with my red dot or align my eyes when co-witnessing. No talk about keeping both eyes open? Btw, Fred IS the man! Wonder what his workout routine is? In all seriousness, thanks for video.

  3. maybe soemone can help me with this….i do all these steps but my reddot is still moving around in circles around my target…i cant seem to keep it steady no matter how hard i try even with holding my breath please help im getting so disapointed 🙁

  4. I'm a kid and it annoys me SO MUCH when people do the chicken wing crap with their elbow flared out Ive seen experienced shooters doing this and I know that it's wrong and I'm A KID

  5. Awesome vid! I see that there's some type of laser/light on top of the foregrip but i prefer to fully grasp the foregrip with my thumb wrapping around to really pull it in. I'll also stick out my index finger to literally point at targets (since Im not going to be accurate righty anyways) when I'm firing from my off hand (righty … I'm a lefty).

    Anyways, awesome vid! Showed this to my gf prior to our range date so shes tracking the basics.

  6. I gotta ask were you born in New York because I learned a lot of good info from this from a guy in a state that hates people defending themselves. Especially with an ar15 mind you. lol. All joking aside I learned a lot thanks for the tips!!

  7. Gonna get Fred killed with that shit, that might work on a range but not in combat, Fred forget this shit and learn how to shoot, I hope this guy doesn't get paid for teaching people how to get killed

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