Home Nikon sighting in slug gun

sighting in slug gun


sigting in the slug gun for the upcoming deer season

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  1. looks like an 870, def a 20 ga, can tell by the yellow shell. now try it off your butt, resting your elbows on your knees like you would in the woods. thats crucial. i always practice like i'm hunting, standing off hand ( not real good offhand at a distance), sitting off the knees, off a tree, etc, after its sighted in

  2. @BrushboyProductions well theres many kinda of shot gun that is specifically slug gun i hurd of tha savage made or is still making a bolt action slug gun you could probley do ssome research i do belive remignton also made one at one point o but then there also pumps i would say remignton or mosburge

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