Unboxing a very realistic looking and high quality replica EOTech EXPS3-2.
Sight was purchased from ShooterCBgear.
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Meh…I'd rather buy the legit eotech, Chinese knockoffs wouldn't last long..
Can u see the holgrahphic sight outside in bright daylight or does it wash out like other cheap red dots. Thanks for the unboxing bub
i brought one at this web, and it works good : http://eastriflescope.com/
You mean to tell me you bought a piece of crap counterfeit? Lmao you’re a special kind of stupid!
Does it hold zero though
Is it parallax free like real EOTechs?
The butt hurt faggots in the comments are so fucking dumb, the dude got it to play airsoft with, not actually mount on a real firearm, why talk shit to the guy you wannabe elitist fucks
Does it have the problem most replicas have with lens being almost like mirrors when playing in daylight?
I want a real one because they are really strong and tough
You are human garbage dude.
Sigh, Desomorphine or diacetyl morphine …. STICK WITH THE REAL DEAL… YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON IT…
Knock offs are a kroc….
Can you put a link to the sight directly in comments
this is a counterfeit, fuck this lie and the chodes who made it
Nothing but Chinese garbage. I understand that not everyone can afford a real Eotec scope but my best advice would be to wait and save up until you can purchase one. Buying replicas leads to one thing – a collection of cheap imported products that don't function properly and will only wind up in your closet.
you get what you pay for. wouldnt tryst my life to any replica
did you having any view issues with the reflection on the glass? thats the issue i have with my replica XPS. do you ignore it or did you get the reflection off somehow?
is this site reputable?
i ordered it in tan but it came in black
Maybe look nice but if it work right I don't know j bought my first eotech for a couple weeks on eBay paid 370 for the 512a65 but it least I know what I have on my ar
lol shit sightmarks are even better then these pieces of shit
Because its even order from us website, its store still use cheap chinese made goods source. For making profit