Home Nikon Marlin XT 22 Review Nikon Prostaff Rimfire 150 BDC

Marlin XT 22 Review Nikon Prostaff Rimfire 150 BDC


UPDATE March 26 2012
I have a new ‘Best’…CCI Mini Mag HP gave me 4 shots into a perfect ragged hole that could be covered by the Hollow Point opening of my 9mm…I got over excited and pulled the 5th shot 🙁

All ‘Bulk Pack’ HP is doing nice 1/4 inch 3 shot, but the other 2 are consistent wild flyers

All shooting was from 50 yards…5 shot groups
Shooters Ridge adjustable front rest
Rear Support…The ‘Single 5 Rest System’…(1 hand with 5 fingers…:grin:)
Almost no wind…90 degrees
Trigger breaks at 3lbs ‘lowest setting’ and is Very crisp

(Now a Moment of Silence for the 2 spiders that gave their lives for my entertainment)


Gun was bore-sighted by a good gunsmith and was shooting 1 ragged to cloverleaf at the 25 yard indoor range…These guns are shooters, i’ll go out on a limb and guess that the heavy barreled version is pretty much Competition Ready out-of-the-box.

Cheap Guns, Wicked Accurate, American Made
Thanks Marlin…You have a new customer

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  1. I have this exact setup. The iron sights out the box were awful. They were very offset. I love my Nikon scope, 2days ago made a 90 yard shot with ease. I have a bipod on it for better prone stability. The gun shoots great I recommend putting lock tight on the inner threads of the bolt/firing pin housing because I had a horrible problem in the field with it a few weeks ago where I shot the gun and the inner part of the bolt came apart. Had to use tools to fix it and it was a pain so beware. Once you've worked the kinks out for 200$ it's a good gun and the Nikon pro staff is a great scope.

  2. i like this gun with no scope it actually has good iron sights for me by far my favorite 22 i ever came across and ill be sure to buy more marlin items i am impressed fo far

  3. Until you actually have watched Cowspiracy -The Sustainabilty Secret you have not the knowledge, understanding and capacity to comment. Keep holding onto you archaic paleo beliefs but rather than spending all your time gazing at guns…..

  4. I have almost the exact same setup as you. And I had the same problem with my first set of rings lol. The only difference in our setup is I have the polymer stock Varmit bull barrel. Mine did not come with and iron sights though. The barrel is free floated in my version as well. I love this rifle. I took it out for its maiden voyage last week and in 10 rounds I had five to get the scope on, and the next 5 were all inside of a nickel sized group. It may have been a dime, but I did not have a dime with me so I am not going to claim I pulled that off. It a fantastic rifle. This is my 3rd Marlin and I am definitely a Marlin guy. The model 60 was my first.

    That is fantastic bug splat 🙂 I was trying to get one, when I was up there but it flew away as soon as I saw it. I am shooting in the forest so there should be another one to try on along.

  5. Something useful I learned; I used Carnuba car wax and a polishing wheel to add a high gloss to the factory stock. Looks sooo much better now. It brings out a subtle "tiger's eye" in the grain (but my factory wood looked different than yours. It had a much more pronounced grain and laminate pattern with much less stain). Hope it helps and thanks for the vid.

  6. That mag release is probably very cheap, reliable and goes well with cheaply made mags.

    Not bashing anything, I've got a very similar mag release on my old and beloved Savage rimfire rifle (which is very similarily built). These are inexpensive rifles, they have some inexpensive but fully functional engineering to them.

  7. love mine…got a nickel ten rounder for it, and they are super accurate little rifles…looks identical to yours, but I used low weaver rings on weaver 12 bases, and a 4x fixed power bushnell…no need to dremel anything.  I'm not up to permanent modifications on my guns… 

  8. Did you buy this marlin .22 after the buyout by Remington or before?
    People say the 4 round clip jams and doesn't cycle ammo right…less problems with the 7 round clip they say. What do you find?

  9. Call me old fashioned, but if I feel the need for a semi-auto .22; it's gotta be the ruger 10/22, there is just just Waaaaay to many mods you can do to it to 'not' choose it. I know they are very-very nicely built guns, but I can't justify those kind of $'s on a .22

    $650 got me this Marlin and my 10/22 tactical with a decent 1-4 scope (both guns new)

    My best 5 shot group at 50y with this Marlin set-up could be covered with a 9mm HP cavity…Can the CZ be $400 more accurate than that ? :shrug:

  10. The 'breaking of the sear" could be just my gun, I don't know…Even if it is on all the guns, I don't see where it would be a hindrance under any circumstance, there is a lot of travel from the sear to the trigger so there is really no chance of accidental firing.

    is this a good gun?….well for a $200 rimfire, it's VERY well made, the fit and finish are great

  11. Yes, that's a really good group, but I think you'll get even better groups with the CCI standard velocity… it's also pretty cheap compared to match grade ammo. I also tried the mini mags, and found them to be pretty accurate, but the standard velocities even better. At my local range, it's really hard to get one hole groups like that because it's right off the shoreline and it's always very windy. Thanks for the reply. Have fun with your XT!

  12. Great review! And I thought the pest control part was hilarious LOL. I love my XT-22. I have the heavy varmint barrel version and I just ordered the Nikon Prostaff 4-12×40 w/mildot reticle. Those are some really tight groups, especially with that wolf ammo. You might also want to try CCI standard velocity. I was able to get 1/2 – 3/4" groups at 50 yards using my $50 Simmons scope.

  13. i'm purchasing a 22. bolt action very soon and i am torn between savage and marlin? both are american made, which is a big deal. both have adjustable trigger. both are cheap! does anyone have any advice i'm not mentioning, it would be greatly appreciated!

  14. We have these big, white pelican birds that walk around on our pistol range all the time. They don't get in front of our targets, but they just walk around on the field in the foreground. They're fearless and don't even flinch from the gunfire… I believe it's because theres like a $2000 federal fine for shooting one of them lol.

  15. i personally have zero experience with Savage, from my research Savage center fires are sick accurate, but i heard enough reports that their rim fires can be 'hit and miss', enough that i i went with marlin…with that, i am NOT saying that marlin is superior, it just works for me

    rimfire rifles are cheap enough though that if the Savage feels good enough for you to give it a try and it doesn't meet your requirements; you can easily sell it for hardly any loss

  16. lol

    it's a bolt action rifle, why on earth would you want 1 ???

    im pretty sure i heard of an aftermarket 20-30 rounder that was meant for use with the semi-auto marlin; and they are interchangeable. but the general consensus was that they were absolute trash

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