Home EOTech EoTech G33 3x Magnifier by L3 – Review and Demonstration

EoTech G33 3x Magnifier by L3 – Review and Demonstration


Mark and Bob from Fire Mountain Outdoors take a look at the EOTech G33 Trippler/3x Magnifier from L3. It’s a no-brainer to use this with an EOTech HWS, but did you know they work well with other optics as well? Take a look while these guys try the G33 behind a Trijicon ACOG, Aimpoint and Redfield Counterstrike.

The optic used today is courtesy of Webyshops.com
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  1. how the hell are you supposed to use that behind an acog when you need proper eye relief on the acog when it's flipped off. Can't achieve that with the Acog all the way forward like that.

  2. Darn, now I am gonna have to buy the G33. I had bought a regular rifle scope after not being able to see distance with my EOTech 512. The scope I bought just did not have the eye relief I liked. 

  3. Very informative Video, thank you!  Question, I just purchased a IWI Tavor 16.5" barrel and I also own a Sig Sauer P556.  If you starting from scratch regarding Red Dots and Magnifers like I am.  Which combination would you go with.  The G33 with Aimpoint or G33 and EOTech HWS or another combination? 
    Thank you!

  4. Good video. You're right about "knock-offs" of the G-33… I've tried the PA version of the G-33 and the quality of the glass just isn't there and became very frustrating after a while. Few months ago I added the Eotech G-33 behind my Eotech XPS3-2 and couldn't be happier. I've used Aimpoint M3 and M4 as well as Trijicon ACOG but I keep coming back to the Eotech  products.

    Putting an Eotech 3X mag scope behind a Trijicon 4X scope would yield a field of view so small as to be nearly unusable and so therefor essentially pointless. Yeah, it could be done, but why?

  5. Sorry I love normal mechanical sights.  Easier to set up and rely on.  Reliance my own human eye and skills.  Laser and scope sights, too much.    But I love your comments about it not just being a toy.  I'm sure if you put the time it its an awesome tool.

  6. Nice review gents,does it have any wiggle. I purchased the vortex magnifier and everything is fine except for the minute wiggle. Wasn't a problem until I noticed it, and now I guess my OCD kicked in and I can't get past it. I looked it over and can't figured a way to stop. It comes from the factory sliding to the left and the mount has to be reversed, still don't understand that one. From the looks of it, I should've spent the extra for the EoTech or Aimpoint, being I don't plan on using it much I'm not going to sweat it. Hope this helps someone, thanks again for all videos, keep up the good work!

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