Home Nikon Easy Long-Distance Shooting – Nikon Spot-On Ballistics App

Easy Long-Distance Shooting – Nikon Spot-On Ballistics App


My review of the Nikon M-223, and the Spot-On ballistic app.



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  1. Does anyone have problems with the SpotOn app locking up on iPhone? I am using the 8Plus, running the latest iOS. It locks up when I try to change the magnification slider, also when I hit the Field Chart button.

  2. nice video.

    confusing statement: "There are a lot of competitors……I have some other scopes that are in the $50 pricepoint, huge difference…."

    This scope is NOT in the $50 pricepoint! Its going to look better than those other scopes, it costs far more.

  3. the spot on app is cool I make my own dope charts and dial the turret due to the fact that bdc scopes only truly work for one ammo type. my vx-r 4-12X50MM cds is much brighter and is illuminated but also much more expensive. I would suggest looking at the vx3i from Leopold if you get a chance. it doesn't normally have open turrets although you can get the cds version with the elevation dial uncovered. sigsauer's tango line is nice as well as the vortex viper line.

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