Home StreamLight Streamlight TLR-7 light comparison.

Streamlight TLR-7 light comparison.


Here is a comparison of the Streamlight TLR-7 pistol light to other popular pistol lights. Please like, share, and subscribe. Thank you

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  1. Great video. I was currently running a Viridian C5 with a Galco King tuck. I like the features of it however it was cheaply made out of plastic and little underrated on the lumens. I am currently looking for something to replace it. I was looking at Surefire as I've had them in the past and liked them. However I know that there is other options out there that are just as good and happened to get the notice for this video. Thanks for the info.

  2. i held off on the xc1 also. i like the size, didnt mind using aaa's, and 200 lumens is fine for me. people having problems with them turned me off. its so cool surefire put the ultra head on your x300 though!

    k rounds is local to me and i had them make a traditional iwb rh, with belt loop, holster for my glock 19 w/ x300u-a. when i knew id be going somewhere for a few hours id pop the light off and switch holsters. it did add too much bulk and weight. i didnt like leaving my x300 behind in the car though. i thought about getting a holster made for JUST the x300…but that seems a little silly too right? lol

    ive got a uspc 45! im searching for a deal on a uspc 9. i had the .40 but i sold it last year…ended up with a vp9 since last summer they had the magazine deal, but i prefer the classic usp. ill probably end up with a p30, p30sk or vp9sk with the new lower pricing.

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