Home Nikon Nikon P223 3×32

Nikon P223 3×32


My quick review of the Nikon P223 3×32 scope. Full review at:

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  1. Used this scope for a good 200 rds of good handloads (mine). My rifle
    loves the 55gr nos. varmentor over 23 gr of h335. 68 and 75gr hornady
    bthp match over a similar load. mag primers.

    Unless you have REALLY good eyes (read "young") this is a 50 -100 yd scope.

    Picture is really clear, holds zero (even with my UTG QD rings). Great scope for what it is. Doing my part, i can get dime size groups but usually 1" is common with this. Bit more power my groups would improve greatly. This is at 50yds. So figure this and the rifle are good for 1-2" moa.

    Eyesight may vary. Suggest a bit more power tho.

  2. I have this scope on my AR. Its good for shooting 100 or 150 yds out. Beyond that (and I'd say up to 300 yards), a 3-9×40 scope is needed. If I had a do-over, I'd attach a 3-9 scope. But since I don't shoot beyond 100 yards with an AR, might as well stay with the 3×32.

  3. Thanks for the review, buying one today I think! For more fixed power scopes you should look at SWFA , they have a good selection of reasonably prices scopes in fixed power, 3, 6, 10, 16, and 20x.

  4. The rear focus ring is for the reticle only! And the reason for it being so far counterclockwise turned out is , because your NEARSIGHTED!!.. I wish people would learn how shit works before they make videos!!

  5. It's awesome value for an unbeatable price. I used it for a water moccasin from on top a swamp buggy to hogs, which were trotting at about 70yds.
    It is 1/2" for the turrets btw. Easy to zero and understand using the 1" graph military style paper targets for 100yd zeroing.

  6. I have a Sig Sauer 516 with a 16" barrel (including the muzzle brake). I had planned on getting the bushnell you showed but it weights 21oz. I am stuck between the 3×32 nikon and the 3-9×40. I like close quarter which I would probably practice a lot but I also like precision out to a max of 600 yards just for fun. I like how the fixed is so small but I like the variable of the other. Being one is longer would they still provide the same speed of target acquisition at 3x? I didn't know if I should get the variable for long range and buy a red dot with it for close quarter like the bushnell or primary arms? I am just in a frenzy lol as I just want to be able to only purchase one scope for now and a red dot if I really need it. Thanks for any response at your earliest convenience.

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