Home EOTech Dry Ice Sub-Zero EOTech Torture Test: Does it Hold Zero? (EOTech Problems,...

Dry Ice Sub-Zero EOTech Torture Test: Does it Hold Zero? (EOTech Problems, Recall, and Lawsuit 2015)


Does the EOTech hold zero after being frozen with dry ice?
IR thermometer from the video:
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Gameplay recorded with Nvidia Shadowplay
Edited with Sony Vegas 12
Commentary recorded with Blue Yeti USB microphone
Live action video recorded with Samsung Galaxy Note 4

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  1. A shame. Due to my astigmatism, even after eyeglass correction, regular red dots looks like a cluster of fuzzy grapes which limits their utility for me, so I'm basically stuck with holographic sights or scopes.

  2. Thanks for running this test with your equipment. Bummer about all the keyboard scientists. They don't have to watch it do they? They're not paying you. They could use a little more tact in their critiques.

  3. Youre supposed to re zero when there’s s significant change in elevation or temperature. Hunting in Arizona vs Wyoming you’re gonna have totally different shot placement if you don’t re zero

  4. Every electronic optic has thermal drift. The Aimpoint T2 is probably the most resilient, but the new post-2016 Eotech isn't a slouch either. You also get far less parallax error in the EXPS3-0, a wider FOV and a better reticle all at a lower price than the T2. Support American businesses.

  5. What about the fact that if your firearm barrel is at -40 the harmonics change and thus your point of impact will change. Anything made of metal with expand and contract with temperature changes. Don’t see the Issue with that, seems like common sense to me. And yes, I have 4 Eotech’s manufactured before 2015 and I love them!

  6. Pro or con I think that eotech is pretty much finished. These are probably selling on ebay at bargain prices. I missed my chance to return mine which sucks. Having said that I'd buy one if it sold for $150.00 and under.

  7. One contributing factor you overlooked is thermal expansion and contraction. When the Eotech was placed in the dry ice its metal mount point at the base shrinks/contracts in size relative to the rail on your rifle. But the rail on your rifle remained at the same size, so your point of aim will change. If you had placed the rifle and Eotech in dry ice, that would had been a better test.

  8. you are dumb I dont even like my eotechs I have a couple acogs a few aimpoints few eotechs not in use anymore didnt send back but your fuckn test you cant take a metal mount put it in dry ice put it onto metal rail that was not into dry ice as much as metal changes with temps even with a.r.m.s. mounts it doesnt matter your test is a fail untill you shoot, put whole rifle in take out and test even wait till glass normalizes if it shifts it will still be shifted for a few mins for glass to clear and then shoot. QUIT!!!

  9. Just an observation: Your mount was also at the -30 temp you stated. Then it was placed on a rail that was at room temp. This alone will drastically change your zero and will cause (temporary) minor warpage and a change in zero. This will happen with any mount or optic and any and all materials have dimensional changes at temperature extremes.

  10. I see the Eotech recall like the VW recall, it doesn't turn me off from buying one. I honestly will never get my eotech to 120+ or -40 so to me its not much of an issue. I can understand the contract with SOCOM and the military and I will let them handle that. On the civilian side of things, I have never heard anyone complain about it. I just purchased my 2nd 553 for my new Block II build and have no regret buying them. But to each their own, I heard L3 is offering a $700 refund on the 553s so it seems no one is selling them on the used market and stores no longer carry them.

  11. group size wasn't consistent, lol wut? and to anyone thinking this is bad news just think, what red dot optic do you think could stand -40 with minimal thermal shift? probably none, Eotech has been (arguably) the best red dot for decades. You may call me a fanboy, which I'm not, but this is just ridicules.

  12. The target retrieval system sucks. It looks like you have to press the button 100 times just to get it down range. My local range just has a toggle switch for forward and reverse. Granite it doesn't show yardage. Just my 2 cents

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