Home AR-15 LAW Tactical Folding Stock Adapter Installation

LAW Tactical Folding Stock Adapter Installation


Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:

LAW Tactical Gen 3-M Adapter:

Tools? Look no further than
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  1. yo NSZ! first, thank you for sharing your knowledge and advice. i have learned alot by watching and rewatching many of your vids. it's kinda like a library for me. i check your playlists whenever i have a build question. so now i'm wondering how will i be able to access this library when new policies go into effect. will we be able to see your content somewhere else?

  2. Product: That thing is as handy as a pocket on a shirt. But $250.00??? It's a bit pricey for what it does.
    Video: When you say "it should look like this", you need to show the "this". You were out of frame on the last part of the video. Still yet, it was an informative video.

  3. I subscribed for the AR info and am a bit intimidated. Coming from AK platforms, call me lazy but ARs seem too high maintenance. All the fragile tiny parts…. think I'll stay with the Ks.

  4. I am waiting for my JMAC Customs AK to AR adapter so I can install a Magpul butt stock on my Arsenal SLR107FR so it becomes a fixed stock with better pull distance. Still not sure of a folding stock application? Please educate the AK savage!

  5. Just a question, please blast me for my ignorance, but why do you want or need a folding stock? I have an Arsenal SLRFR and hate the folding stock, I do not carry my rifles in a duffle bag I am just curious, please educate me. P.S. I love your videos because they are the most informative. No disrespect intended.

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