In this video we check out the CMMG Banshee in 45 ACP. The Banshee line features shorter barrels than their Guard counterparts and pair well with the new sub-gun style suppressors from Defcan. Stay tuned, much more on the way.
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What optic are you using on that banshee?
I have absolutely no experience with guns (I'm German…) but doesn't the AR-15 have a bolt release? If this thing has a last bullet bolt hold open can't you just shove another mag in and hit the bolt release instead of having to work the charging handle every time?
Can we please get one in 44 mag?
I'm more attracted to the fact that Eric is wearing British Desert DPM
Does the bolt hold open?
I gotta know man do yal paintball man? Dont get me wrong nothing beats range day but….Do you think paintball is good or bad for training?
Ok i need one asap
Sounds like you were in an echo chamber in this video
Have you tried it with an echo trigger?
I'm debating on buying a 9mm or a .45 version. I can't decide. I have a 1911 so Debating on have two guns run the same ammo type.
Is there no bolt release?
Im curious to know how much would one of those cost?
I love how you can see those fat .45 bullets fly through the air as the sun glints off the bottom of the projectiles.
how can you have 2 malfunctions in the same magazine and still say the gun is running pretty reliably?
That thing looks tactical as frick!
Eh i both love and hate the country i live in – Poland.
I love it because it's an awesome country with awesome people and its fully white,but i hate it because the gun laws are very stricst and almost nobody has guns here
Letgo is music to my ears brother giving you a shout-out from Arizona thank you for the video
If you were to send me one of those I'd tell no one…
I love how with where your mic is the trigger reset sounded louder than the gun xD
lovely little carbine
. Is that a old Brit Gulf war jacket/shirt, you have on there sir
Every time I see a two stamp gun… meh…
Thirsty kids in Africa would love to have those sodas….
I want it, but in a 9mm
I've been pretty impressed with the Banshee I've been testing. Wish they would have offered 6-8" barrel to give velocity advantage over full size .45 handguns.
I hope they are paying you for this, because I know YouTube is not.
Thank you guys for making these videos! You guys are along the true warriors of democracy!
6.5 grendel review!
Iraqveteran8888, could you do some accuracy tests with ultramax .308 ammunition. Its not super expensive and its a Remanufactured round. I hear it shoots really good. Thanks!!
Awesome little gun. Would make a great hunting rifle.
Thats a sweet rig. I can imagine that would be excellent for CQB in built up areas. I'm keeping my Mossy 500 though. That is a sweet rig, nice quiet, accurate and a fine looking bit of kit. Well done.
What happened to 5 Guns videos? Haven’t uploaded one in a good minute…