Home CMMG AR-MPR AR-15 Build: Upper Part 3: Installing the free float handguard

AR-MPR AR-15 Build: Upper Part 3: Installing the free float handguard


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Please join me on as I walk through a complete AR-15 adventure starting with a from-scratch AR-15 build. In this video, we’ll walk through the process of installing a free-float hand guard. The handguard we’re using here is a Midwest Industries 12″ free float quad rail unit. In the next video, we’ll assemble the bolt carrier group, and check headspace.
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  1. This is exactly what I am doing to my Mid- length and you have answered ALL the questions I had; including which way the washer for the flash hider goes back on =0)
    Thanks so much! Best video I have seen and all I needed was parts 2 and 3–PERFECT!

  2. OP, I have a similar assembly on mine, but I bought it fully assembled. Is the lock-tite something to expect on most complete uppers like this? The mnfctr locked down the rail assembly with a slight counter clockwise deviation (if you're looking downrange). It's not terribly off, but enough that I notice my MBUS front sight is off when sighting in. Would this be repairable by me? Can I overcome the lock tite if it is indeed on there? Thanks.

  3. I just put this same rail on my buddies AR and I noticed everything is coated in oil… I'm assuming any and all threads that come in contact with the supplied blue locktite should have the oil removed before the install process begins?

    I just wiped the threads down with a dry rag before installing. I haven't seen this mentioned in the instructions or any video on youtube.

    I'm looking for that spanner wrench you used in the video as well. I know YHM has their own wrench but it's 30$ 🙁

  4. I have been thinking of getting a MI free float rail for my next rifle. I hear that some quad rails are thicker than others and may be bigger than I am used to. Are the rail widths similar to the Knights Armament or are they wider?

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