Home StreamLight Reviewing the Streamlight TLR 2 HL G added to my Ruger Mini-14

Reviewing the Streamlight TLR 2 HL G added to my Ruger Mini-14


The next step in making my Ruger Mini-14 the perfect California defensive rifle is adding a great weapon light and green LASER. I picked the Streamlight TLR-2 HL G. The TLR-2 is an outstanding weapon light / LASER combo. I review it in this video.

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Host: Joel Persinger – The GunGuy
– Co-Founder & CEO of Practical Defense Systems
– NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor

Video & Audio Production: Nick Persinger – The Camera Guy

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  1. I like the handguard rail. My AR15 has a light /laser combo and I love it. So does wife and young son. I've wanted to put one on my Mini 14 but wasn't sure how to do it. I am concerned about how well it will hold it's zero being mounted to the snap on handguard though. Any input on this?
    Also, I sighted the laser on my AR15 SBR at 50 yards, about the distance to hit a target across the street. That's about as far as I can imagine a defensive situation. That way I'm at least within two inches of the point of impact. Plenty close enough for very quick targeting and shot placement. I enjoy your videos They're very straight to the point with no tough guy bs.

  2. I hate that the gun community basically forces you to explain yourself every time you make a video about your mini 14. I have one, too. It sits right next to my high quality, built-from-parts, fully reliable, accurate AR15 in my gun safe. I'll tell you a secret…

    …I like the mini 14 more. It has it quirks, and requires some money to "bring it into the modern age," but I find that it is a more easily used gun from manual of arms to not catching on everything in sight when I'm moving it around.

  3. @2:03 Thank You for explaining the twist rate! And yes it was a short time Ruger made the 1in7, about from 92' to 98'. Kinda wish it was still an option on the new ones. But I have a target Mini with a 1in9 that can stabilize a 77gr ballistic tip .223 just fine.

  4. Joel, Love it. I have a Mini-30. May build it out similarly. Had a thought: maybe you can forward to the Streamlight guys. How bout they construct a laser within the Accustrut? Puts it right in line with the barrel and doesn't add any bulk and less effect on balance of the rifle. Keep up the good work!

  5. Nice light mister..TLR2-HL-G
    same unit I currently run…great choice.
    Under the barrel is my set-up. Just like my pistol, I set the Lazer parallel to the bore…no guessing…any useful distance the rounds are just a bit lower than the green dot.
    My M&P with the rail master pro=same, My M&P shields lazer guard pro=same.
    Great content as always, and thanks for all you do out in Cali.
    Best WISHES….☺️

  6. The laser idea sounds good in theory. But in a real situation having a gun over your head while while leaning around another corner and trying to SEE let alone STABILIZE that reference will be far less effective then actually pointing the rifle normally. If your willing to stick half your face around a corner to see then stick the rifle out as well.

    Lasers are very erratic and bounce around. In daylight they are hard to see and even at night they take time to originally find and then stabilize. Using a low power optic or a iron sights is much quicker IMHO.

    Don't take my word for it though. Go to the range and try out your idea. Also see how much of your head and arms are showing in both positions. I think you will find that you are exposing your body just as much and I would be willing to bed your even more exposed with your arms up and your head around another side.

    There's also the issue of a laser being calibrated for a specific range and it's still reliant on the rifle being oriented in the correct position.

    Either way test it out and if you've re-invented the wheel then I'm interested in the results.

  7. Joel, you're laser use theory is spot on. Too bad that LE does not adopt this philosophy as well. I am retired LE after 30-years as well. Prior Marine Corps 72-75. Maybe you should do some consultation with LE agencies.

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