Home AR-15 DEBUNKED: Top 5 AR-15 Lies! | Louder With Crowder

DEBUNKED: Top 5 AR-15 Lies! | Louder With Crowder


Steven Crowder debunks the top common myths and Leftist lies surrounding the scary AR15 rifle.

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  1. try to teach ppl these words: if drugs are illegal, but theres tons of drug victims everywhere, what do you think happens if weapons would be illegal?
    these idiots believe that banning weapons will erase weapons from the planet. thats not how it works. if you ban guns, the bad bois will still have guns, and the good bois wont have any to defend themselves or stop shooters.

  2. A major Texas school shooting was done with a pump shotgun and a handgun… ARs are not used in every school shooting to the dismay of the left side blind liberals

  3. The AR-15 is like using a 223 hunting rifle it just looks different and it really doesn’t do much damage I mean it can kill someone but your more likely to live from a shot from a AR-15 then getting shot with a 12 gauge with a sluge in it. These gun control people don’t ever know what there talking about

  4. We should never ban AR-15's because that is part of our second amendment. The second amendment doesnt just mean you have the right to own a gun. It means if the government were ever to go corrupt you have the right to revolt. That's why it is mandatory for the government to allow equal firepower to the people, thats why you can go on Craigslist and buy a tank because after the articles of confederation the founding fathers believed we have the right to revolt. That is what the second amendment is, thats why its so important, and no one can ever take that away from us.

  5. 'What is an assault rifle'. The people on the anti-gun side can't seem to define it. The people on the pro-gun side seem to skip over the facts or just outright lie. Both sides present the weakest arguments for the others positions and motives, both attempt to straw-man the other position in order to force them to defend weaker positions.

    Here is a question. The BAR1918 was used in WWI. Was it an assault rifle? It was designed to assault using "walking fire" if you have ever heard of that and it was magazine fed like people define an assault rifle,.It has a selector switch for single or auto fire like most people define assault rifles (that's right lefties) It fires from an open bolt. It can be fired from the shoulder or from the hip. What kind of weapon is it and when was it invented? Is it an assault rifle?

    Next question- M1 Garrand used in WWII. Is it an assault rifle?
    FG-42 used by the Germans in WWII, selective fire-box fed.
    M-14 in Vietnam? Assault rifle?
    M-16 in Vietnam? Assault rifle?

    Heres one for the right wing
    AR-15 with a Bumpstock in a Las Vegas hotel.? Assault rifle? If yes explain. If No describe what the difference is not from a technical standpoint but from the standpoint of being on the receiving end of the fire coming from the modified weapon using the example of Las Vegas shooting as a real-world example.

    Those who understand where I am going should know what these weapons are and why people are often mistaken in defining them. Not all of the weapons I listed are assault rifles.

  6. It is a Trojan Horse. If you want to decrease or better yet eliminate mass shootings, one of the answers is education. We need to educate the ignorant about firearms and there safe use. Guns are a tool. The old saying "guns don't kill people, people kill people " needs to be drilled into brains of all of these anti-gun lobbyists.

  7. We secure all other things/ buildings we value, secure schools and the magnified, distorted ,political, weaponized, kneejerk excuse all but goes way. Dont let people with anti constitutional agendas cover themselves in emotional outrage to infringe on the very anchor of the country.
    Ever notice how Libs always cherrypick laws and civil examples from s#-%hole countries, notice how regions are becoming very s#-%hole like? We are importing the very crap that is killing the country. Fair weather patriots wake up!

  8. The reason we have AR-15s is bc we have to have the equivalent as our government and military so that in the case there should be a coup’ or if the government rises up, we have those “military like weapons” as the idiots we know as liberals would say, bc our government and military has them. THATS THE LEGITIMATE REASON OUR FOUNDING FATHERS MADE THE SECOND AMENDMENT, so the government/military cant rise up on the people. MERICA BITCH!

  9. They should ban pistols from being used by cops as well because you can kill a cop or steal his gun and cause a mass shooting even though it will be pretty challenging. But alot easier if you have a car, and by the way there are more then million dying in car accidents every year only in US so they should ban them as well

  10. How about the fact that thousands of handguns killed people last year. Rifles were used like 10% of the time. The main issue is 50% of the murders are from 10% of the population. Fix the problem in the black community. Start throwing criminals in jail. Don't let them out 10 times before they murder someone because the jail is full.

  11. What if somebody started throwing baseballs at people and killing them. If you were a pitcher or had any kind of ball playing experience, heck you can get a 5 gallon bucket full of baseballs and beat the heads off people with them. Then what?
    Well, I suppose would they surgically remove everybody's dominant throwing arm off of their torso to keep folks safe? We are all just prolonging the inevitable hand there are too many nutcases in this world that want to listen to the wrong sources of information and then they are led to believe something other than the good truth next thing you know you have people thinking they are doing the right thing by annihilating people for no reason. Folks the Devil is just here to kill, steal, and destroy with any way that it can possibly be done. Whether it's guns cars baseball's rocks hand-grenades disease anything and everything that Satan can convince people to do that's the way he wins

  12. A man came into my house when I was cleaning my gun he had a knife so I threatened him I would shoot if he didn’t leave of course the gun wasn’t loaded but he ran off anyway.

  13. I think every american should have their own nuke. Cause nukes makes the world safer just like guns. I also think the american world police should invade every country in the world because of freedom and god.

  14. I agree that sadly many of my fellow "liberals" (in quotes because they're leftist) are ignorant when it comes to firearms and many downright dishonest! The problem with my generation is that many of us had gotten use to fast info and no longer take the time to fact check, but I do. I'm liberal after all and still can see you have valid arguments at times (don’t agree with everything). At this point in time there are few politicians who stand for true liberalism. True liberals are pro 2A because we believe in personal liberty and freedom. No I'm not a libertarian because I do believe in a sizable government but not an extreme left tyrannical one.

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