Tyler and Ian from Highlander Arms in Spofford, NH go over the install procedure for the Samson EX rail and the Adams Arms piston system.

Tyler and Ian from Highlander Arms in Spofford, NH go over the install procedure for the Samson EX rail and the Adams Arms piston system.
Worthless video. I need to know what type of pins used in the pinned version. If you need help with a clamp on you are an idiot.
So no matter what I have to remove the gas block. I have the carbine model with the standard gas block.
what I want is just a wire with a 90 degree bent to line up the holes in the gas block to the barrel.
It would be nice to know the withe of feeler gauge to use when spacing the piston lock.
Bought a DD Omega for my Stag Arms M-8, the first model and who ever said that they just pop right on, are full of dookie. This is just simply not true. Some must of done some machining/shaving some of the metal off and figure since they had to do it, so should you. Unfortunately, the World is full of Jerks like this. DO NOT BUY THE OMEGA FOR STAG MODEL 8! On the other hand, and I was praying g all the way down to the gun safe, lol….the Omega dropped right into my Adams arms and not only fit like a glove, but looks absolutely fab! So yeah, if you want to be hard headed and think I'm lying, go ahead and buy yourself a 200.00 headache for your Stag. I'm happy as a pig in 'bleep!' Don't get me wrong Stag is a pretty swell rifle, but they havent put in the effort to find more than like 2 quadrails for the damn thing. Samson, here I come!
You're video sucks assholes yoy didn't explain shit.
so many questions on here not answered..
Does the gas piston slide out the front of the XLP gas block like the older AA railed gas blocks?
One thing you need to make perfectly clear, and is not clear in your video, is the placement of the thermal couplings. I had to re-watch the video a couple of times to discover why my EVO hand guard was not going into place. The TOP of the couplings should align with the side edge of the upper rail and NOT fit together at the TOP. You go into sufficient detail as to how the couplings should be oriented and that a gap should be at the BOTTOM, but unless you watch the video carefully, alignment with the side of the upper receiver rail is not clear. Otherwise, the hand guard will NOT go onto the couplings and the push rod of the piston system (or the gas tube) will not go over the top of the coupling and into the Upper Receiver. When the thermal couplings are properly aligned with the side edges of the Upper Receiver there is a gap between the two thermal couplings and the piston push rod (or gas tube) will go between the two couplings and slide right through the barrel nut and into the Upper Receiver. Other than that, a really good video. Thanks.
Look! Instead of assuming that your audience knows how to remove the pinned gas block and the delta ring assembly, why the hell did you not cover this procedure? Merely saying that you took the liberty of stripping the weapon down you should show how this is done. What the hell were you thinking? Poor job fellas
Pain in the @ss to get the rail off an evo ultra lite. Grrr…
is there any way to get the 12.37" rail to fit over the lite piston kit? i got a good deal on 2 lite piston kits with barrel for $250 ( 11.5" carnine, and 16" mid length) each and i thought the reason for the lite kit was it could fit under rails like the Samson rails. didn't know about the XLP kit till a year later. I don't mind having to grind it down some as long as it won't mess up the durability.
Thank you.
just received my Adams Arms Carbine and wanting to install a samson 7 evo. Everything about removing the block shows the block in this video. However my block is pinned. Are there any videos on removing the AA pinned piston block?
Is this the Evo 7-EX you are installing here?
Whats the best way to remove the delta ring without removing the barrel nut?
Love my Evo-EX on my Adams Arms gun! So much so, I needed up buying 3 more rails for my other rifles. Great products!