Home AR-15 How to Use an AR-15

How to Use an AR-15


This installment of our Shooting 101 series is devoted to the basic operation of the AR-15 rifle for the complete novice. We cover procedures for safely loading, unloading, and firing the AR-15, as well as all the basic controls on the rifle.

The rifle used in the video is a BCM with 16-inch lightweight barrel and Midwest Industries M-Lok handguard. The stock, magazine, pistol grip, and rear sight are from Magpul (No affiliation. We just like their stuff.)

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  1. Does the charging handle fly back each time you pull the trigger? Where do you put your face when shooting? I don't want my face hit by the charging handle if that thing flies backwards.

  2. I HAVE USED THE FORWARD ASSIST a few times when I’m hunting coyotes and i don’t want the bolt to be loud when i load it, so i make the bolt close slowly so that it wouldn’t slam shut and therefore be loud. I slow the bolt down then use the forward assist. That’s just wat i do.

  3. Actually. The rear site has two positions: area site and peep site.
    Area site is for shooting at a group of people. Peep site is for precision shooting…one person.

  4. In case weapon doesn't fire. Tap, Rack, Bang. In other words Tap: hit the bottom of the magazine upwards, Rack: pull the charging handle, Bang: squeeze the trigger. Also smack that forward assist for good measure. You're good to go.

  5. 1. Treat every gun as if it were loaded
    2. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
    3. Keep your weapon on safe until you are ready to fire. (Situational)
    4. Keep your muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
    5. Be sure of your target and what is beyond. (Omitted from USMC rules)

    These are a compilation of all safety rules of Hunters Safety and Military.

  6. Um excuse me but those military weapons can fire fully semi-automatic 23 gauge magazine-clips at 500 rounds per second. I think I’ll be just fine with the “pissing on myself defense” against rapists.

  7. Great video but you left out one, or rather, two very important features that didn't appear until you did the live firing… safety glasses and hearing protection. In all the excitement of going shooting, it's easy to forget either one of those until the gun goes BANG! and you're left with a ringing in your ears. Other than that, great job.

  8. This is by far the best beginner AR-15 video I have found. Your presentation is very clear and explains everything I needed to know. And I am a new subscriber because I really appreciate how you make me feel comfortable learning step by step. Thank you!

  9. I’ve shot ar’s for years and know them pretty well, but it’s fun watching this video and this guy explain things. I can see how this would be a great guide for someone new to platform, this guy explains things in a very calm, friendly, and inviting way.

  10. I understand firearms pretty well and have a deep respect and interest in them, however living in California i have never been around them much, I've taken a few handgun classes and have been to the range a hand full of times. This upcoming weekend I am going on vacation with friends and we are bringing an AR. I have not shot anything bigger than a 1911A1 and this video was a very informative refresher on how to handle a firearm. Though the video covered the very basics it was not condescending and covered a topic that not many other gun channels I follow do because they are common sense to regular gun people. Thank You

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