Home AR-15 Choosing a Rifle Scope for Your AR-15!

Choosing a Rifle Scope for Your AR-15!


Choosing a Rifle Scope for Your AR-15! In this video, I talk about some of the different types of scopes as well as their purposes. Some optics are designed for long range shooting, some for close combat, etc. The key is to pick the right optics for the right job. Please join me in the comment section below. Thanks for watching and God Bless!

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  1. I paid 200 for my scope for my ar15. It's from osprey global 3 and 9 power. Pretty much my 1st scope and 1st experience with a scope so Idk much about scopes and have experience with them to know really how good it is with others especially for the price I paid because I actually did get a discount on it but with my experience it's pretty good and I love it. Haven't shot too far with it just yet but do plan to soon so see how well I do with it at a further distance but from what I've shot after zeroing it in it has some great groupings

  2. Great Stuff ! I'm like you Jarhead , but I wear Glasses. I'm good to about 50 yards Max with A Red Dot , but 25 yards in for me, is Far Better with a Red Dot Optic ! Darn Eyes …😎

  3. Optics are the Achilles heel in my systems currently. I’m going to save my pennies for a better scope for my .308; intermediate scope on a solid rifle just isn’t bringing up the true potential.

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