Home EOTech Why Eotech Is Not Obsolete

Why Eotech Is Not Obsolete


Olight S1 Baton $44 with my link!

EOTech 512.A65 Tactical HOLOgraphic AA Batteries Weapon Sight $399.95 with my link

EOTech XPS2-0 HOLOgraphic Weapon Sight
$454.94 with my link and this is the one i am running on the rifle in the video!

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  1. You are the typical retard behind a gun store counter. Talking about the customers as if they don't know what they are talking about when you yourself seemed inclined to comment on a subject you obviously and admittedly know very little about. How could you miss the lawsuit? It was so large and broadly reaching that eotech was ordered to buy back d units if the end user wasnf satisfied with them. But hey its the interweb as you put it. Probably just hearsay and Im not as credible as the bubba running the register at the LGS

  2. I love eotech I'm not going to be shooting in subzero or single temps so it doesn't bother me. They are great optics for the regular Joe and comp shooter, idk about for field operations since I'm not military or law enforcement but for what I use it for it works great and it sure looks good on my rifles

  3. Obviously EO Tech screwed up,, settling the lawsuit in a day, buying back sites from the public. Revising the paperwork to cover their ass and to end the refund program, list goes on and on. People put their lives and others on these optics , admission to failure is just unacceptable.

  4. The issue regarding thermal drift has been proven to be not only an Eotech problem. Independent test have shown that multiple red dot type optics can shift zero under extreme temperatures (including aimpoint). Eotech got in trouble because they hid and/or ignored the fact. On the contrary Eotech and Trijicon has been the only manufacturers to publicize thermal drift evaluations and specs while all the other manufacturers have kept quite about it. Newer Eotechs have a max thermal drift of 3 point something MOA while the MRO for example has a max thermal drift of 2.2 something.

    This is unavoidable as metals and other materials expand and contract in hot and cold temperatures, thus shifting zero.

  5. lmao the issue is that the eotech loses zero if the sight is exposed to ridiculously high temp then immediately exposed to ridiculously low temps. In other words it us unlikely that the known issue would occur to anybody. Military still uses them today despite the lawsuit so that's saying something. Everybody just needs something to complain about. I have a buddy that used one on 3 tours and he has nothing but good things to say about eotech.

  6. Really should have researched your information before doing a video that shows how unprepared you were. Why even talk about a sight that has been recalled for a defect and not test the sight in the conditions that the sight was recalled for? To many people want to give advise on things they know nothing of.

  7. "All I do is research" yet you don't know about the lawsuit and the well documented issues that Eotech admitted to, and settled, with the Government AND civilian customers no questions asked.

  8. I have had no issues with my EOTech's through -10 to 90+ degrees. Well over 2000 rds… Seem rugged and take a beating. Trijicon is in my opinion the best, but at almost double the price point, EOTech is a very reliable, excellent option.

  9. Great review! I was wondering though about the reticle. I just purchased an EOTech 518 and it is my first EOTech. When I first looked through it the reticle seemed very fuzzy to the point where I thought it was defective. After talking to customer service they gave me instructions, and so I dimmed it and tried focusing on the target the way they said, and now it will come in clear but after a few seconds of focusing my eyes. Is this normal and do my eyes just need to adjust? Or do you think that there might be a problem with the unit itself?


  10. Almost bought one but luckily found out about that the sight changes zero in different temperatures.
    Never gonna regret that i chose aimpoint.
    Even if that fact doesnt matter you it still makes a statement about the company itself that they knew about the defect and kept it to themselfs.
    I could never support something like that

  11. any company who was well aware they had a problem but continued to keep selling sights to military/LE to go into harms way and did nothing about it. they lack integrity and i would never give them my money. research it. dont blow it off like some "rumor". they are dirtbags proven in court.

  12. I was really interested in watching this video when it popped up in my recommended videos. However, I was disappointed that you seemed unaware of the huge lawsuit that was settled between SOCOM and Eotech. It was not "some agency". It was a multi million dollar lawsuit between the most elite end users in the world and Eotech. That's what people are referring to. At this time SOCOM has chosen a replacement for the Eotech. I'm not trying to be an asshole. I just want you to be informed when your customers come in.

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