The Streamlight TLR-1 WeaponLight is a rugged, well built, intuitive weaponlight. First off, the Streamlight TLR-1 WeaponLight is assembled here in the USA, which is a huge plus for a electronic item as most others are made in China. Let’s discuss the construction of the Streamlight TLR-1 WeaponLight, it is made of aircraft grade aluminum with a black anodized finish, has a C4 LED light (impervious to shock with a 50,000 hour lifetime)….CONTINUE ON CAPTAINBERZ.COM FOR FULL DETAIL REVIEW AND HD PICTURES AT LINK BELOW
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Anyone use this with a Walther PPX?
This or the newer TLR 1 HL fits perfectly with full size handguns, I don't have to do any adjustment with my thumb or fingers to actuate the switch; I have a Glock 21SF btw.
Can you switch how the toggle works? For instance if you are left handed and want the momentary on down position, on the right side.
haha "and you put that on the wrong way"
I take that back….sorry thought you had the s model
It actually does have a strobe feature. If you hit the toggle switch twice and hold it down on the second time it will strobe, at that point flip it to fully on real quick and you will have a constant strobe.
I am not saying you can’t hold a knife and mag in the same hand I am saying it will cut done on proficiency while using a pistol plus other concerns of trying to do too many things with an edge weapon in your support hand. Feel free to guess my background and experience all you want.
I suppose if your hands are too small and lack manual dexterity you shouldn't be using a weapon at all. I don't play video games so I'm not sure what your referencing. And you can still support your weapon with knife in hand. I suppose if you've never been there you wouldn't know. But you probably know it all from your game arcade experiences is momma's basement.
This light is the best alternative to the way-too-expensive SureFire Pistol mounted lights. Good price point.
Berz, love that stippling job.
leaving a slight film of chapstick on the lens will keep that crap off you light!
I cant say anything bad about my TLR-1 i run it on my 17 and have had no issues.
I love my TLR1. Used streamlights in the fire dept and saved my ass a few times. Love them. Well built lights and never had one issue with them in ten years.
I leave a layer of frog lube on the lens after cleaning it. Works great to keep a protective layer on the lens. Using my left thumb seems to help the manage the light and the trigger better as well. Ever seen a "momentary only" modification?
My main points of contention as well.
Save the $300 and get a Waffen, just as good as Arsenal..
Hey Capt. off subject but I now have the funds for an AK. Waffen 74 or the extra $300 for an Arsenal?
I have to call BS on pulling your K-bar the same time as drawing your pistol. This laundry list of issues with the practicality of doing that arises like reloads, malfunction clearing, one handed shooting which is not optimal just for starters. Kind of like dual wielding in video games it looks cool but doesn’t work all that well.
All I can say to this is what the fuck? While its good to have a combat utility blade, I would not have it in hand while reloading. And as far as the multitool story I call BS on that, he's holding a M16 or M4 and chooses a pocket knife? Even without bullets a rifle is a much better weapon then a pen knife. And last but not least where's his bayonet? Soldiers are still issued those, even if you accept the fact that you'll never have it on the gun it is still a knife.
Y u no use a Glock 34 or 17L this will leave less dust on the lense. I have a USP Expert and its awesome.